«His will made the difference»

A decisive step for the season is approaching Lazio. After the defeat with the Juventus and the draw with Monzanow in the championship the team of Sarri can be considered really in difficulty after only 4 points obtained in 5 races. A false start like this hasn’t been seen since the 2001-02 season, but now, as repeated by Lotito and from the coach, it’s time to start again, rediscovering the spirit that last year allowed us to finish in second place in the standings.


Lazio, between crisis and risk of injury, Sarri evaluates who to field against Torino: Vecino and Pedro are eager

Lazio, lots of management in Formello. Tomorrow I withdraw with a view to Turin

Sarri immediately asks for a reaction for the slow rise mentioned in the last conference, but in front of him there will be a black beast like the Torinothe one with the most games played against (4) without ever winning in A league. The match against the Granata will be very physical, which is why a team at full strength will be needed. From tomorrow afternoon (the training camp will start from lunch) the coach will start to take stock during the finishing touches, but there are many injured people. Beyond Patric, Romagnoli e Zaccagnithis morning they also stayed in the gym Marusic, Cataldi, Luis Alberto e Immobile. The feeling is that compared to the last outing one of the two central defenders could give up in favor of Casale. The same goes for Cataldi in the control room with Neighbor e Rovella who are champing at the bit for a chance. Kamada he should get his seat back on Guendouzi. Finally, the time may have come Pedro to let Zaccagni rest.

Only tomorrow’s finishing will give more clues.

Fabiani returns to Guendouzi: «Here’s how the negotiation went»

Meanwhile, the sports director Angelo Fabiani is back on the arrival of Guendouzi: «He calls me Lotito and asks me: “Do you know Guendouzi?”. I reply: “Sure, but we’ll never catch him“. From there we make the institutional steps and I also talk about it with Sarri. We dived into the negotiation – he revealed on the official radio of the Serie A League – which wasn’t that simple. Getting several clubs to agree wasn’t easy: it’s not just Lazio and Marseillebut there is the club that reports to the agent, the one that reports to the player… Getting everyone to agree was a feat, but the player’s will made the difference and this must be underlined.”

1970-01-01 00:00:00


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