Guggenberg Legionnaires Sweep Bonn Capitals to Reach German Cup Final

German Cup: Legionnaires are in the final after a sweep against Bonn

Devon Ramirez Beaver (r.) from the Guggenberg Legionnaires stood out against the Bonn Capitals on the mound and in the offensive (Photo: Walter Keller)


The Guggenberg Legionnaires can continue to dream of participating in the European Cup in 2024. In the semi-finals of the German Cup, Regensburg also prevailed against the Bonn Capitals on Sunday. With a 7-2 win, the hosts won the best-of-three series and will now face Untouchables Paderborn at the beginning of October. The winner will compete in the European Champions Cup next year. Five runs in the third round ultimately meant the decision in favor of the Upper Palatinate team. Devon Ramirez successfully took on the role of starting pitcher and took home the win after a solid performance (5.2 IP, 2 H, 1 R, 6 BB, 3 K).

Alexander Schmidt opened the scoring hunt in the first inning. After a double from Eric Harms, the national player took the lead 1-0. In the third period, it was pitcher Ramirez who gave the offense the go-ahead for the five-point rally. The US boy’s double pushed David Dinski to the finish. With the help of Bonn’s defense, the Legionnaires increased their lead to six runs against Toru Murata on the visitors’ mound. The Capitals, however, only landed their first hit against regular outfielder Ramirez on the Regensburg pitcher’s mound in the fifth round. As a result, Daniel Mendelsohn, Marius Wolf and Joe Cedano de Leon took over the scepter at the Schwabelweiser.

Ramirez then demonstrated his attacking qualities and added a solo home run in the seventh inning. The Capitals had their best opportunity to catch up in the eighth period. The Capitals had their best opportunity to catch up in the eighth period. Wilson Lee cut the lead to 7-2 with his solo home run and the visitors put two runners on base with zero out. However, with a double play, the Legionnaires freed themselves from the clutches and secured the victory against the northern champions. Murata (8.0 IP, 11 H, 7 R, 5 K) had to acknowledge the loss.

2023-09-17 14:58:13
#Legionnaires #final #sweep #Bonn #1st #Baseball #Bundesliga


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