“Groped everywhere”: journalist denounces harassment by Newcastle fans on the Milan metro

A complaint for employeeriots on Navigli and then on metropolitan in the direction of San stadium Siro. It is the chronicle of the passage of the fans of the Newcastle in Milan for the match of Champions League against Milanplayed on Tuesday evening and finished with a score of 0 a 0.

Giovanna Fumarolaa journalist who was on the M5 subway line (the “lilac” one which ends right at the San Siro stadium), reported to the newspaper MilanoToday of having suffered employee right from the English fans. Fumarola reported being groped and harassed “by more people everywhere” while he was getting off at the stop Monumental after the presence of the English fans, who beat with fists on the windows they made “the whole carriage tremble”, had caused everyone on board the subway to be crushed. The journalist also said that she had tried to contact the police while she was still on board the train, but the enormous noise didn’t allow her to hear anything.

See also

Champions League, Newcastle fans invade the Navigli in Milan – Video

Atm he also made it known that an M5 convoy was there heavily vandalised forcing the circulation of the lilac line to one stop Of 20 minutes. The Milan police station is working to reconstruct the facts and identify those responsible for the action. The beyonds 4 thousand English fans they spent Tuesday concentrated mainly in Navigli area where previously, on the night between 18 and 19 September, a 58-year-old Newcastle fan was attacked and injured with a knife by some men with their faces hidden by the hoods of their sweatshirts. The investigation investigates this episode Digos from Milan.

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2023-09-20 15:53:30
#Groped #journalist #denounces #harassment #Newcastle #fans #Milan #metro


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