Greenweez Paris Major: Second Largest Premier Padel Stage of the Season

With its 37,000 spectators, the Greenweez Paris Major ranks second among the Premier Padel stages since the start of the season.

In fact, only the P1 in Mendoza, which welcomed 56,700 people, has done better than the Roland-Garros stage to date. Nothing really surprising when we know the Argentinian passion for padel and for sport in general.

PARIS FRANCE SEPTEMBER 09 Paris Premier Padel 2023 at Stade Roland Garros on September 09 2023 in Paris France Photo by Silvestre SzpylmaPremier Padel

In Europe, on the other hand, no city has done better than Paris to date. Rome, with its 25,000 spectators, and Madrid, with its 30,000, are not very far away, but still remain behind this “Roland-Garros du padel”.

Proof that if the enthusiasm for padel in France is not yet at the level of Spain or even Italy, the interest in professional competitions is very present. A good omen for the future!

Xan is a padel fan. But also rugby! And his posts are just as punchy. Physical trainer of several padel players, he finds atypical posts or deals with current topics. He also gives you some tips for developing your physique for padel. Clearly, he imposes his offensive style like on the padel court!

2023-09-13 10:33:00
#Premier #Padel #Paris #Major #stronger #Roma #Major #Madrid


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