Golmayo’s Sports Week: A Week of Tournaments, Competitions, and Events for Local Athletes

Between next Monday and the following Sunday Golmayo will put on the shirt for its Sports Week, organized by the City Council and with the collaboration of clubs, mostly established in the municipality. About twenty events, including a popular meal on Saturday, make up a program with tournaments, competitions and sessions of different disciplines. There will also be prizes in some of the calls without leaving aside the tribute to local athletes.


Monday 18

From 5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.: Skating Afternoon (Camaretas Skating Club)

Games and activities supervised by monitors. From 5 years. Sports Center.

Gratuitous. Registration at the location of the activity

From 17:30: Padel Tournament (registration in pairs) Category 1: 2008-2011 Category 2: 2012-2015

Prizes: paddle tennis racket for 1st, paddle balls for 2nd Free Registration. WhatsApp 669227487 until Monday the 18th (2:00 p.m.) Place: paddle tennis court behind the sports center.

Mars 19

From 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.: Judo (Camaretas Judo Club) Come and learn about this sport with a national coach. From 5 years. Sports Center.

Gratuitous. Registration at the location of the activity

From 18:00 to 19:00: Tennis (AMPA CEIP Gerardo Diego)

This sport is new to the programming. Sports Center. Gratuitous. Registration at the location of the activity

From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.: Self Defense Class for women

Location: Sports Center. Free registration at the location of the activity

From 19:30 to 20:30: Handball (Golmayo Pelota Club)

Traditional sport with roots in the municipality. Sports Center. Gratuitous. Registration at the location of the activity

Wednesday 20

From 16:30 to 17:30: Basketball (FDR Basketball Club)

A discipline that has a good number of followers. Sports Center. Registration at the location of the activity

From 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.: Athletics (Club Atletismo Golmayo) For ages 5 and up. Exciting sport on the multi-track. Gratuitous. Registration at the location of the activity At 18:30: Frontenis Tournament (registration in pairs) Category 1: 2008-2011 Category 2: 2012-2015

Prizes: racket for 1st, racquetball balls for 2nd

Free Registration. WhatsApp 669227487 until Wednesday the 20th (2:00 p.m.). sports Center

From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.: Pilates class

Location: Sports Center. Free registration at the location of the activity

Thursday the 21st

17:00 Futsal Tournament (teams of 7 to 10 players) Category 1: 2014-2017 Category 2: 2010-2013 Prizes: McDonald’s Trophy and menus for 1st

Trophy and movie tickets for the 2nd

Free Registration. Whatsapp 669227487 until Thursday the 21st (2:00 p.m.)

From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.: Hypopressive +Pilates Class

Location: Sports Center. Free registration at the location of the activity

Friday the 22nd

From 16:30 to 17:30: Rhythmic Gymnastics (Club Gimnasia Soria)

A way to practice this sport with the help of great professionals. From the age of 4. Sports Center. Gratuitous. Registration at the location of the activity

At 17:30: Mini-volleyball tournament (Club Sporting Santo Domingo) Category 1: 2014-2016 Category 2: 2011-2013

Awards: Trophy and McDonald’s menus for the 1st Trophy and movie tickets for the 2nd

Free Registration. Whatsapp 669227487 until Friday the 22nd (2:00 p.m.)

20:30 Recognition of athletes of the year 2022

Location: second floor Bar Las Piscinas

Saturday 23rd: Bicycle Day

11:00 Cycling route: Departure from the Camaretas Civic Center.

Circuit: descent to Golmayo and return to Camaretas (mandatory helmet). Registration, in the library or on the municipal website, gives the right to a raffle for a bicycle. Registration in the library or on the town hall website until Friday the 22nd

11:30 Lunch for participants at Golmayo City Hall 12:30 Bicycle skills circuit (all ages) Multitrack 1:30 Bike Trial exhibition by Àngel Batlle

Multitrack. At the end of the performance, the bicycle raffle will take place.

15:00 Brotherhood meal

Menu to choose: Macaroni (6 euros) or paella (10 euros). Location: multitrack Registration in the library and on the town hall website until Thursday the 21st (11:59 p.m.).

Sunday 24th: I Race and solidarity march McDonald’s Soria

It’s about running or walking as a family and, at the same time, collaborating with a charitable cause.

Venue in front of the McDonald’s restaurant (Camaretas).

Price: 3 euros children / 5 euros adults Includes t-shirt and different gifts Registration until Tuesday 19 (11:59 p.m.)

Collection of numbers on race day from 10:30 a.m.

· 11:30 a.m. Senior race (born after 2010) 6km

· 11:35 a.m. Start of family march 6km

· 12:30h Alevín Race (born in 2011-2013) 1km

· 12:40h Benjamín Race (born in 2014-2016) 500 meters

· 12:50h Peques Race (born in 2017-2021) 200 meters

Registration at: https://participa.fundacionronald.org/carrerasoria

The program:

2023-09-14 11:13:06
#Golmayo #celebrates #starting #Monday #Sports #Week


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