Fuel Management and Tire Degradation Analysis at the Japanese GP 2023

Ferrari manages to limit the damage. As noted several times on our pages, the layout Of Suzuka it’s not too congenial to project 675. Nonetheless, the objective of achieving the Mercedes in the constructors’ championship it was achieved. The gap is now “only” 20 points. The “two” Carlo certainly didn’t shine like they did Singapore. However, several factors contribute to the reasoning: The prancing Horsewithin a scenario that is not exactly friendly, has improved in managing the weekend.

Those who party in Japanese land are Red Bull e McLaren, protagonists of the podium thanks to an evident lower degradation of the tires. With his thirteenth victory of the season Verstappen guaranteed the sixth constructors’ championship for the team Milton Keynes. Max he did it all himself, while the mechanics were busy repairing the damage caused by Perez. We’re talking about an undeserved title for a guy team author of a truly top competitive campaign.

Norris e Plates they showed how a well-chosen update package is capable of making a difference. First podium for the Australian in his career accompanying his teammate. Without a doubt the Japanese track was congenial to the intrinsic characteristics of the MCL60. This aspect is fully exploited by optimizing the car’s approach to the track through almost perfect tuning.

the nice overtaking by Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) against the British George Russell (Mercedes AMG F1 Team) – Japanese GP 2023

We certainly can’t say the same about Mercedes. Confused, the team Of Brackley failed to give the correct competitiveness to W14. the two Britons at the wheel challenged the Ferrari but once again, using a different strategy combined with some experience on the track, they managed to keep one of the two behind SF-23 despite the pace of the number 55 being better at the end of the race.

Today’s article highlights the methods of fuel saving during the eastern race, an important and necessary practice to best manage the race. Let’s talk about one routine of the pilots who currently have to go against nature without being able to get the most out of their vehicle. This is why the contribution of the track engineer is fundamental, as he is able to offer all the useful data to optimize fuel savings.

Japanese GP 2023: Ferrari SF-23 and McLaren MCL60 poles apart in fuel management. Sainz gives his all

Finding the right compromise between performance and fuel management is very complicated, especially when you find yourself engaged in a battle to the death. We are therefore looking for “strategic points” where we can carry out the fuel saving. Usually you choose to lift your foot before braking on long straights. This allows the car to continue coasting at high speed.

Unfortunately we will never be able to know, perfectly, how in the space of a Big prize the saved fuel is reused. In this respect it is worth remembering one fact: the engine map approved on Friday at the end with free seats does not allow the riders to finish the race without saving fuel during the course of it.

The data in the following graph illustrates the percentage of fuel saving within one session. On the left, in white, the analyzed driver and his average saving percentage are indicated. Passes behind the ball are not considered in the analysis Safety Car and lap 14 under regime VSCas they raise the general average of the race, not allowing a specific examination.

fuel saving – Gp Giappone 2023

At first glance we notice how the Ferrari are the cars that require less fuel economy. Rarely do the two drivers in red exceed 3%. fuel saving in the course of a lap, in fact. On the contrary, they try to make the most of it SF-23 concentrating the operation only in some phases of the race: the third quarter for Leclerc and the first half for Sainz.

From the track relating to the Spanishlet’s see how the chase at Mercedes after the second stop it went into action completing only laps push, pushing hard in every corner. The McLaren they seem to have a more demanding engine map in terms of fuel consumption, given that the average figure is 7% higher. Norris he takes his foot off the gas a lot, especially in the first part of the race, and then takes full advantage of it MCL60 in the last phase. Plates instead he alternates economy laps with more aggressive laps.

As for the attitude of Max Verstappen e Lewis Hamiltonwe notice how the two-time Dutch world champion concentrates the period of fuel saving especially in the first part of the race, while the Briton has a more alternative attitude. Also Lewis come Carlos he leaves nothing to chance, giving everything he has in the final laps to fend off the attacks Sainz.

Japanese GP 2023/1st stint analysis: Ferrari SF-23 manages the tires well. Russell has no degradation

Next graph 1st stint: the various types of tires are represented in white. The references found on the two axes, however, denote the turns of each stint in the

Verstappen it is the fastest with a degradation that increases as the laps go by. The reason is simple: the young talent of Hasselt he pushed hard to create a gap of safety on McLaren. Wear is more linear Ferraricon Leclerc which leaves 7 tenths between the fastest lap and the last pass of the run. Charles begins on Big prize with a lap-time lower than his teammate. However Sainz manages to have better overall tire management, losing “only” 5 tenths between the first and last pass.

degradation in the first stint of the race – 2023 Japanese GP

The deterioration of the blankets is higher Medium from the McLaren. Both pilots of Woking they present a parabolic trend of the line which represents the performance loss per lap. It can, in fact, how the orange triangles have a noticeable growth 4 turns after the end of the Safety Car. In this situation, in fact, there was a rapprochement between the two pilots Ferraricon Plates called back to the pitlane for his first stop at the end of lap 13.

Mercedes it’s the only stable top to try a differentiation of strategies on the pilots even if, given the data in hand, we do not see any benefit in this choice, this although Hamilton concluded his first race block with just 3 tenths of average degradation between start and finish stint. However, wear and tear is non-existent Russell with yellow band covers. The gradual lightening of one’s car and the lack of traffic have granted laptime faster than in the first part of the race.

Japanese GP 2023/Analisi 2° stint: Ferrari SF-23 pushes but overheating causes wear. McLaren degrades less than Verstappen

The analysis relating to the central part of the race highlights greater differences. Low degradation for Verstappenwith a pace 6/7 tenths slower than his competitor, very similar tire consumption for Ferrari drivers. In the central phase of the race the strategy of prancing Horse it was different than that McLaren. As can be seen from the sticker the Ferrari drivers once again fit the yellow stripe Pirellis.

The attitude of Leclerc e Sainz was therefore more aggressive in attempting to get closer to McLaren and, at the same time, defend oneself from the attack of Mercedes W14. The degradation suffered was at a higher level compared to the first stint due to this dell’overheating on the rear tires. An aspect which consequently forced the red standard bearers to push less due to the clear lack of grip.

degradation in the second stint of the race – 2023 Japanese GP

The degradation of the MCL60. The riders of the team led by the Italian Andrea Stellachose to set the latter stint of the race more slowly to keep the wear of your tires under total control. We also observe the difficulties of Russell in the final part of the stint.

The young Englishman is very keen to defend third position in the final part of this second run, while in the first, despite itself, the management of the tires is not equally good. In fact, we can see how in the second half during his 29 rounds with the Hard, Russell is forced to greatly increase its performance.

Japanese GP 2023/Analysis 3° stint: Ferrari SF-23 having difficulty managing the temperature of the hard. You eat the best

The last section of the race was demanding for everyone. He was the best at managing coverage Plates. The Australian thanks to this management from the C1 he managed to conquer the first podium of his career, preventing a Leclerc to reach him despite the Monegasque’s efforts. Charles shows a mostly linear degradation, however leaving almost a second on the track between the start and finish laps stint.

degradation in the third stint of the race – 2023 Japanese GP

Norris e Verstappen they are the fastest in this last phase of the competition. Last third of the race where the Englishman from McLarenguided by his wall, manages to lower the pace after overtaking Plates. The Dutchman, capable of erasing all doubts about the competitiveness of RB19 After Singaporealternated more intense laps with tire management passages, concluding the Big prize with almost 20 seconds ahead of car number 4.

Authors and graphic designers: Leonardo Pasqual @PasqualLeonardoAlessandro Arcari @berrageiz

Images: Scuderia Ferrari

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