French Junior Mixed Team Dominates Group F Matches at World Championships

It’s off to a good start for the French team at the junior mixed team world championships which are taking place from Monday to Saturday in Spokane (United States). The French selection and its three Alsatians, the Mulhouse native Camille Pognante and the Strasbourg natives Alex Lanier, world number 1 junior in singles (50th among seniors), and Malya Hoareau, scored a double blow last night by winning their first two without any worries Group F matches against Belgium (5-0) and Hong Kong (4-1).

The regional trio played both matches. Alex Lanier successively dominated the Belgian Charles Fouyn (21-19, 21-18) and the Hong Konger Lam Ka To (21-19, 21-8). Associated with Elsa Jacob in women’s doubles, Camille Pognante triumphed over the overseas tandem Amber Boonen/Tammi von Wonterghem (21-16, 21-19), then got rid of the Asian pair Hung Ho Yan with much more difficulty /Wong Yan Lam Yanes (14-21, 21-19, 23-21), after having to wait for his fourth shuttlecock of the match to force the decision in three tight sets.

Already qualified next night?

Only Malya Hoareau missed the pass by two. Victorious over the Belgian Noa Dauphinais (21-9, 21-19), the ASPTTS player then lost to the Hong Konger Liu Hoi Kiu Anna (23-25, 14-21), due to lack of having converted the two set shuttlecocks that she offered herself in the first round.

Next meeting for the Bleuets this Tuesday at 9 p.m. against Ghana, crushed 5-0 by Belgium at dawn. Solid leaders of Pool F, Lanier, Hoareau, Pognante and their partners should ensure their qualification for Thursday’s quarter-finals.

2023-09-26 06:33:00
#Badminton #French #juniors #floor #worlds


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