Forges-les-Eaux Badminton Club Marks 20th Anniversary with Growing Membership and New Facilities

Par Benjamin Forant
Published on 26 Sep 23 at 9:55 See my news Follow L’Éclaireur – La Dépêche Two sessions per week are organized in Forges-les-Eaux. ©L’Eclaireur – La Dépêche

Can you present the club in broad terms?

We are going to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Forges-les-Eaux club in 2024. It has been growing for years. This year, we have 35 licensees competing. But there are also other licensees who don’t necessarily want to compete. We have two slots, one on Wednesday and one on Friday to train. On Fridays, there are often many people who come for leisure. They do another activity on Wednesday and still want to play badminton. These are free sessions, between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Wednesday and 6:15 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday. You can come at the time you want, during the time that interests you.

What do you like about badminton?

I think people come because you can get to a decent level quite quickly. It’s not very technical at first, and it allows you to have fun while being a beginner. In addition, quite a few people have already done it in the school environment, so they know a little bit. For young people, it is often this way that they arrive here. Plus, it’s a mixed sport, you can mix generations, that has a lot of advantages. Some play with family. For example, we have three brothers and sisters who play together.

What are the main qualities to be a good badminton player?

You need precision, endurance, speed, perseverance. When you see the big competitions, it’s a very invigorating sport. We don’t practice beach badminton, it’s very physical.

How is the club evolving? Is there a buzz around badminton in Forges?

Since covid, we have seen a craze. At the start of each season, there are new ones arriving. They come from other clubs, even other regions. With 35 competitors, that allows us to make 5 teams. We have a regional team and four departmental teams. Each team is mixed because in interclub matches, there are singles matches for men and women, doubles of each gender and mixed doubles.

This is the first time we have had so many teams. Last year we had four teams, the previous year three. So we are making progress. Every year, we organize a tournament. It allows us to be known.

The gym floor is brand new. What does that change for you?

This is the back-to-school event for us. We are spoiled, we move from concrete floors to this beautiful material. You must not slip at the risk of hurting yourself. It’s really great for all the associations that will benefit from it.

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2023-09-26 07:55:50
#ForgeslesEaux #badminton #benefits #gymnasium #floor #Pathfinder


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