Exploring the Passions and Favorite Places of Malena Castro

PASSIONS: Along with sports, her passions include fashion and confectionery.

TRAJECTORY: He began training judo at the age of five because he watched his brother do it and “loved” it. His first adventures in this sport were at the Judo Club Palencia. Together with his coach Tino he achieved many victories, including his first national medal. At the age of 13 he moved to Madrid where in the mornings and afternoons he studied and trained at the high performance center and in the afternoons at his current club, Brunete’s.

The ten places of Malena Castro:

1.The Hall park. «It brings back very good memories, since when I was little, one of my favorite playgrounds was the one that is located there. I spent many afternoons on the swings with my paternal grandparents. When it was winter, from time to time we would have a snack at the chocolate shop and, when the weather allowed it, we would have an ice cream. When I was older, I have enjoyed various concerts that took place there with my friends. Likewise, I did my first year of high school at Jorge Manrique, so after class I went there ».

2.The cathedral. «It reminds me a lot of the house of my paternal grandparents. When I started my new stage at CEIP Blas Sierra, after class, on the way home, we always stopped by it. As a child I was very impressed by how big it was, since it seemed that it touched the sky. In addition, I have played a lot in its surroundings.

3.Plaza de San Pablo. «When I was at school, a few of the class always went to play in the fountain that is in that square to throw balloons at each other, as long as the weather was good. I consider it a nice event, since those meetings helped me to create more ties with the group. When I left the Torquemada school and came to Blas Sierra, one of my fears was not finding friends, since I arrived halfway through the course. However, that did not happen and, in fact, to this day I still have contact with someone.

4. Gardens. «It was an area that I frequented a lot with my grandfather after doing homework. I remember that sometimes our school friends would also stay in that area to eat pipes while we talked about our things ».

5.La Ensenada. «It was the first sports center where I trained judo and the first sports family I had and that I still love. The girl who competed with pigtails never imagined the sporting achievements that I have achieved during all these years.

6.The Torquemada pools. «They are my second home during the summer. I have always frequented them. When I lived in Torquemada, before finishing school, I would check if the bike’s tires were swollen so I wouldn’t miss the first swim of the year. On the other hand, when you stopped putting the towel next to your parents’ and we put all the friends together, you felt super old. I fondly remember that first summer. Since I moved to Madrid for my sports career, I count the days to pack my bags and spend as much time as I can, generally almost the entire summer, with my family, and this place is our meeting point”.

7. The hawthorn. «From a very young age I know the work behind a glass of wine. When the date arrived, I would put on my vintage apron, hat and gloves, to match my cousin’s, and we would go to my grandfather’s hawthorn to help, or whatever we and our older cousins ​​considered helping at that time, to the adults to harvest. However, the best thing was that between bunch and bunch he could eat all the grapes he wanted. I still remember the meal afterward with great affection, especially for my grandmother’s paella. While the older ones talked about their things, the four cousins ​​played outside in the sandboxes. In the afternoon, once our day was over, we would visit the winery to see how they prepared the grapes to start the must process”.

8.Valdesalce. «Every San Mateo, even with the good weather, the whole family would gather in the Valdesalce meadow to eat. Laughter was guaranteed. When she was younger, each friend ate at her table, but then we all met up to go buy an ice cream for dessert, visit the different stalls and have a good time on Nino’s mats ».

9. The Torquemada fishery. «Since they put the pedalos and canoes, my friends and I have met many times in the river to spend the afternoon laughing and soaking. However, quite a few summers ago, from time to time we would go to bathe and throw ourselves down that kind of slide of the fishing structure itself. Other times, we would just go down to sit on the stones and listen to the sound of falling water.

10.The Elizabethan Park of Torquemada. «I have very good memories of this park located next to the river since for years I have celebrated my birthday with all the people I love. We had a great time, because after having a snack we really enjoyed getting wet. For a few years now, there has also been a meal for the clubs organized by the Town Hall at the fiestas. We all eat together and then the brass band gives us the energy to get the activities off to a good start”.

2023-09-03 12:05:31
#Rooted #origins #news #Palencia


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