Dwight Howard Claims He is Better Than Nikola Jokic: A Comparison of Statistics

As the saying warns, “the bulls look better from the barrier”, an expression perfectly applicable to Dwight Howard after this summer he made his love for bullfighting public by attending a bullfight by Borja Jiménez in Las Ventas in July.

Although he was already in the NBA -on his way to living his second season with the TaiwanBeer Leopards of taiwan-, Howard continues to err with Nikola Jokic, insisting how much better he is than him, as was again the case in statements echoed by Legion Hoops.

The center of 37 years He referred to the 2020 Conference Finals in which the Lakers, champions in the end, clearly beat the Denver Nuggets (4-1).

“I am happy for Jokic. But you all said in 2020, I stopped this guy and he was not in my ‘prime’. Imagine yourself in my prime. It would be unquestionable, ”said, staying so comfortable, Dwight Howard, who in July already assured that he in his fullness was better than the two times MVP.

The Serbian recorded in that series 22 points, 7.2 rebounds and 5 assists in 33 minutes with 53.7% shooting from the field and 37.5% in triples, while the American signed 8.2 points, 5 captures, 0.2 basket passes, 81% shooting and 0 triples . The only figure in which the three-time Best Defender in the NBA surpassed Nikola Jokic, that of field goals, but taking much less (81-19).

Looking at the numbers, Dwight Howard, who has obsession with Jokic, he can’t get as much chest out.

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2023-09-08 03:25:02
#stopped #guy..


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