Department Launches ‘Sports Day in Your Canton’ Operation to Promote Olympism and Paralympism

The Department launched the “Sports Day in your canton” operation on Thursday September 21 at the Saint François private college and the Jacques Prévert public college, in Châteauneuf-sur-Sarthe.

100 3rd grade middle school students and 150 6th grade middle school students were able to enjoy a fun and creative day in the colors of the Paris 2024 Games, supervised by 6 sports educators.

On the program: discovery and practice of several Olympic sports such as fencing, archery, basketball and opposition games, with enthusiasts and continuously all day long. The students were also able to participate in a workshop to test their knowledge of Olympism and Paralympism.

This day 100% dedicated to sport is the first of 21 days which will be held until the 2024 Games, with one Sports Day per canton. The audience concerned will be different each time: children, the general public or seniors.

The next Sports Days will be held:

October 24 at the Collège Auguste et Jean Renoir in Angers. This day will be organized for 120 young people aged 6 to 9 from reception establishments. October 26 in Ponts-de-Cé. This day will be dedicated to the audiences of the 11 Departmental Solidarity Houses.

For Régine Brichet, Vice-President of the Department in charge of Educational and Sports Success: “ These Sports Days, organized as part of our proactive policy around sport, aim to raise awareness among different audiences of the values ​​of Olympism and Paralympism. For middle school students, the objective is to help them grow in the values ​​of friendship, respect and excellence. As Land of Games 2024, the Department is very happy to offer these fun days to all citizens. »

The realization of this Day was entrusted to the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee of Maine-et-Loire [CDOS] and the Profession Sport et Loisirs association [PSL].

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2023-09-22 11:04:31
#Department #launches #Sports #Day #canton #operation


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