Countdown to the 2023 Christ Festivities in La Pola de Gordón: Official Program Revealed

Official program of the 2023 Christ Festivities in La Pola de Gordón.

The town begins the countdown to enjoy September 14 to 17 with theater, concerts, large festivals, tastings, and games for everyone.

La Pola de Gordon begins the countdown to its great Festivals of Christ 2023, which will take place from September 14 to 17. Theater, concerts, festivals, tastings, games for everyone and many more activities to delight residents and visitors from all over the Leonese Central Mountain.

The starting signal will be given this Thursday, September 14, with a solemn mass, to continue with a day full of activities, among which the exaltation of blood sausage, bullfighting coffee in the bars, and the theatrical performance ‘! Hallucinatory Pickles!’.

They will continue on Friday, September 15, with the great mus marathon, children’s games, reception by authorities, bollo preñao and the first great festival by DJ Dudu. The next day, the party will not stop and they will celebrate the reveille and parade, they will enjoy a judo exhibition and the great popular paellada, as well as a second festival with the Syra Orchestra.

To finish on a high note, on Sunday, September 17, in the town of Gordon there will be more blood sausage for everyone, they will have a great time with a water festival, and they will be delighted with the great concert by Bruja Luna.

Official program of the 2023 Christ Festivities in La Pola de Gordón:

Source: Diario de Valderrueda

Photography: The Gordon Pole – Wikipedia

2023-09-12 15:03:07
#Official #program #Christ #Festivities #Pola #Gordon


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