Conditional Participation Allowed for Local Sports Groups in Prefectural Junior High School Physical Education Tournaments

Public date: 05:00, September 18, 2023 Update date: 16:51, September 17, 2023

Document photo Author of this article Ryukyu Shimposha

By the 15th, the Prefectural Junior High School Physical Education Federation announced that it would conditionally allow local sports groups (local club activities) to participate in some competitions at the local junior high school newcomer physical education tournaments held from November to January. The nine sports covered are soccer, handball, softball baseball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, judo, kendo, and karate.

Conditions for participation include registration with each sports organization, special qualifications for participation in local sports organizations, etc. (local club activities) in each district junior high school rookie athletic meet, and meeting the detailed regulations of each competition. Details can be found on the Prefectural Chutai Federation homepage.

2023-09-17 20:59:28
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