Coach Galtier discusses Luis Enrique’s early days at Paris Saint-Germain

09/17/2023 at 11:49 p.m.

This summer, coach Christophe Galtier was replaced by Luis Enrique on the Paris Saint-Germain bench. During an interview with Canal + this Sunday, the French technician spoke about the beginnings of his Spanish counterpart at the head of the reigning French champion.

“It wasn’t easy the first weeks. Afterwards, I think that Luis Enrique when he arrives, he arrives with the image of the coach of Spain and the coach of Barcelona, ​​with whom he won the most beautiful trophies. He is more armed than me, period. Afterwards, there were a lot of movements, departures. It had to be put in place. But now, it’s launched”, judged the ex-coach of Lille, before the defeat of the capital club against OGC Nice (2-3) on Friday.

(Pair Damien Da Silva)

2023-09-17 21:49:00
#Galtier #judges #Enriques #debut


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