Celta C Gran Pea resists 65 minutes with one less man

Los de Fredi lvarez sumarón ante el Arousa his second draw between the parties

18 sep 2023 . Updated at 08:54 h.

He Celta C Gran Pea has ended its first two games with draws and both with a good taste in the mouth. On the first day, because they neutralized a 0-2 deficit against Sarriana to take their first point, and yesterday, because Fredi Álvarez’s team found themselves with one man less from the 25th minute due to the expulsion for direct fire from lvaro Fernndez. He was one of the youth players from Juvenil A who debuted yesterday in Third, along with lex Gonzlez, Roi Rato y Diego Rodriguez.

The meeting was open from the first moments, but the clearest chances of the match were for the locals. Despite this, a Vilagarcian like If Rivera was the one who had the first chance of the match and it went to the second celestial reserve team after a good action with a center-shot that forced the exclitic player to intervene. Manu Tboas.

The equality and alternating dominance of the first minutes were broken after an action in which the referee punished a match between Borja Mguez and lvaro in which the harlequin striker ended up on the ground, grimacing in pain. With one more, A Lomba’s team grew and Concheiro was able to score the first goal in a good direct free kick that Lex Vila avoided with a saving hand. Seven minutes before the break, it was Mguez himself who had another clear opportunity in which he did not take advantage of the goal and a good cross. Iaki Martnez from the left-handed profile.

For the second act, Luisito tried to move the team with a double change, bringing in Brais Vidal and Javi Pereira, but the exchanges did not manage to unbalance the balance on the Vilagarcia side. Sylla had two chances in the first minutes of the second half that came to nothing and scar Lorenzo He also put fear into the bodies of those at home after a start and shot that went close to the post.

Finally, the twists and turns that were making up the match ended up weighing on the legs of Celta C, who with one less man ended up being bottling in his area by an Arousa who did not have his afternoon facing the goal and let his opponent leave A Lomba with a point. Therefore, Arousa still has not opened the victory chart, adding its first point of the season against Celta C Gran Pea, which counts its games as draws.

Technical sheet

Manu Tboas, Figueroa (Vidal, min. 45), Coti, Carlos Riveiro (Carus, min. 58), Martn Snchez, Diego Enjamio, Borja Mguez (Diz, min. 66), Antn Concheiro, Sylla, Iaki (Barroso, min . 66), Rubn Blanco (Pereira, min. 45).

lex Vila, Lucas Antan (Milln, min. 66), Mario Cantero, Jos Rivera (Fuente, min. 64), Dela, lvaro Fernndez, Vicente de Andrade, lex Gonzlez (Tarensi, min. 55), scar Lorenzo (Ju, min. 66), Roi Tato, Diego Rodrguez.

RBITRO: Adrin García Rodríguez. He showed yellow cards to Iaki, Riveiro and Vidal, for the locals, and Vicente, Rivera and Vila, for the visitors. He expelled Alvaro after 25 minutes.

Filed in: Celta Cantera Celta Arosa SC

2023-09-18 06:54:01
#Celta #Gran #Pea #resists #minutes #man


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