CARPEGNA HAM Loses to Cto Voluntari in Link Cup Semi-Final

CARPEGNA HAM Loses to Cto Voluntari in Link Cup Semi-Final





CARPEGNA PROSCIUTTO: McCallum 12, Bamforth 22, Bluiett 6, Visconti 10, Ford 12, Maretto ne, Tambone 4, Stazzonelli 2, Mazzola 5, Fainke ne, Schilling 2, Totè ne All. Buscaglia.

CSO VOLUNTEERS: Tohatan 5, Feazell 6, Odomes 12, Polvak 8, Nicoara 8, Cotoara ne, Miseailo, Olah 14, Allen 23, Shumate 8, Dan ne All. Bagatskis.

Referees: Rossi from Anghiari, Costa from Livorno, Miati from Florence

Partials: 20-22; 39-49; 53-69.

Notes – Spectators: 300. Schilling, Tohatan, Odomes were released for 5 fouls. Technical foul to the CSO Voluntari bench.

The Vuelle Pesaro pre-season continues. The Buscaglia team is involved in the two days of San Sepolcro for the quadrangular of the Link Cup (in which Pistoia and Naples also participate). The red and whites challenged the Romanians of Cto Voluntari Bucharest in the first semi-final, a team that won 75-84: a reliable test against an excellent team, fresh from two victories in the Romanian Cup (2021 and 2022), which boasts some appearances in European cups. The red and white coach kept Totè rested due to a blister under his foot.

The news. Buscaglia lines up the quintet with McCallum, Bamforth, Bluiett, Ford and Schilling, but Voluntari has the best start after the first minutes of practice. The point-to-point continues, with Bamforth immediately demonstrating a hot hand, responding to the plays of Allen and Odomes (20-22 at 10′). In the second period the Romanians started strong again, posting a 5-0 partial which widened the gap. Pesaro reacts promptly and tries to increase the pace by returning to contact, but Bucharest’s greater physical condition makes itself felt. Buscaglia tries schemes and offensive variations, but the low long range shooting percentages don’t help Vuelle who loses her pace. The opponents, however, hammer from the arc and run away, closing on 39-49 at half-time.

After the interval the trend remains the same, with Vuelle continuing to struggle with the heavy shot and losing further ground (46-62 at 28′). Visconti and the usual Bamforth try to dictate the pace in attack, but some hasty choices do not allow Pesaro to find the much desired continuity. Buscaglia rotates his men wildly to try different schemes and arrangements, managing to find a mini-break that sets the score at 53-69 in the 30th minute. In the final period Pesaro had a surge and closed the gap, relying on some excellent defensive plays. The red and whites also reach -6, before the final extension by Voluntari who wins the match at 75-84 and gives the Pesaro team their first stop in this pre-season. At home in Pesaro, good ideas for Bamforth (22 points), Ford (12), McCallum (12) and Visconti (10).

This afternoon second appointment for Pesaro who will challenge Pistoia in the final for third place, defeated by Gevi Napoli.

2023-09-10 03:37:09
#Bucharest #test #stronger #Vuelle


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