Borgo Casale Stationery Shop Robbery: Another Trader Targeted in Vicenza

by Rebecca Luisetto

Another trader targeted. Before the attack the two were at the bar

There were two of them, they entered the stationery shop with their faces partially covered, took some backpacks and other stationery items and then turned to the owner. They ordered him to stay still and quiet, while they threatened him by holding a baseball bat in front of him and stole all the cash he had in his wallet and some change from the cash register. A loot worth around 1,500 euros. It happened on Monday morning, shortly after 6, in Enrico Gianotti’s stationery shop in Borgo Casale. A historic shop in Vicenza, with almost 50 years of activity and which until now had never suffered a robbery. «Two came in with a baseball bat – said the owner’s brother, Roberto Gianotti – they were black but spoke Venetian dialect, so they probably have lived here for some time. They stole from my brother all the money he had with him and the money left in the cash register from the night before, the coins we use to give change. Unfortunately we don’t have a video surveillance system in the shop.”

The alarm

However, the Carabinieri of the Vicenza command, who intervened immediately after the owner’s call, would have already identified cameras in the area, which could have captured the fleeing robbers, who before the robbery had coffee in the bar in front of the stationery shop. Meanwhile, messages of solidarity are arriving from the web: «The situation is very serious! And it’s especially serious because they are targeting more and more traders! It’s an unworthy thing! Then a report from a few days ago appears among the posts published on a Facebook page, warning that in the stadium area of ​​Vicenza, right where the stationery shop is located, some thieves had tried to enter a house on the fourth floor in broad daylight.

The previous

Enrico Gianotti is the second businessman in Vicenza city to be robbed in less than a week. In fact, the attack which saw Sergio Sorarù, owner of the Antica Pasticceria Sorarù, as the victim, dates back only to last Tuesday, beaten with kicks, punches and bites by two foreigners who had first eaten and drunk everything they had found and then had took away some food and money from the owner’s purse, around 700 euros. The investigations to discover the two criminals from the pastry shop are still underway by the agents of the Vicenza police station, who have viewed the cameras in the area and listened to some testimonies.

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September 26, 2023


2023-09-26 12:44:50
#Vicenza #face #covered #baseball #bat #robbery #stationery #shop


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