Basketball World Cup: Germany reaches for gold – Sport

The German basketball players defeated the big tournament favorites USA with 113:111 points in a high-class and nerve-wracking semifinal at the World Cup in Manila and are now reaching for gold in their first World Cup final in history against Serbia.

The German team was aware that it was not a good idea to miss the start against this opponent – which was the case in previous games. But how the selection of the German Basketball Federation (DBB) got started was not to be expected. At an insane pace, the Germans showed fast ball relays, irresistible individual actions and confident finishes. Because the USA team was, as expected, not a bit worse, an offensive spectacle of the highest level developed. Franz Wagner could hardly be stopped, Daniel Theis worked under the baskets and captain Dennis Schröder orchestrated the game, refrained from making stubborn shots and still collected 17 points.

The German team only made a few inattentions in defense, but no opponent has more individual quality to offer than the Americans. No matter how convincingly the Germans scored, the USA knew how to counter and were ahead by a tiny margin of 60:59 at the break.

Of course, the burden of being the favorite was on the US team, no matter how strong their coach Steve Kerr had talked about the undefeated German team before the game. Every defeat by an American selection against an opponent from the old continent is perceived as an lese majeste at home; it is not for nothing that the North American professional league NBA is considered the legitimate unit of measurement in world basketball. Nevertheless, the gap to Europe has narrowed significantly, as the Serbs’ confident 95:86 victory in the first semi-final against the favored Canadians, who are of course largely recruited from NBA players, impressively demonstrated.

Andreas Obst plays himself into a frenzy

The Germans didn’t want to be left behind; like at the start of the game, coach Gordon Herbert’s players started again with incredible intensity. In addition to Franz Wagner, who collected 22 points, and Theis (21 points), Andreas Obst played himself into a real frenzy, not only scoring from a distance, but also making an irresistible move to the basket and was the top scorer with 24 points. Because Johannes Thiemann (10) didn’t need any warm-up time coming off the bench and set the tone both front and back and Moritz Wagner also scored double-digit points (10), the German selection gradually pulled away and was even in double-digit points with 94:84 points before the final quarter in the lead. With a sensational energy performance, the USA’s attack was repelled in the final quarter.

Before the semi-final, DBB President Ingo Weiss spoke out again to rail against the free-to-air TV channels, which steadfastly ignored the achievements of his basketball players. Apparently with success. According to SZ information, the World Cup final will be broadcast on ZDF on Sunday (2:40 p.m., also free on Magentasport) – and will finally give the German basketball players the attention they deserve.


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