Bari-Cittadella: the numbers, the context and the desire to dream

The match between Bari and Cittadella is played on Wednesday evening in the scenario of the most classic and pleasant late summer evening. Upon my arrival I find a St. Nicholas in which the presences are more than 22,000, including a representation of about twenty ultras arrived from the distant Citadel from which the distances are logistically exacerbated by the commitment in midweek. Someone could banally stop in front of crude numerical data, others in stupid comparative exercises with nearby or distant squares, geographically or football-wise, but for some years now they have always been there, regardless of everything, and this is the only thing that count.

Curva Nord, coming to the hosts, which proves to be as passionate, generous and willing as ever. Great support, great support for all 90 minutes. Very thick handfuls, powerful choirs, flags always in the wind. You really can’t ask them for anything more. Certainly the record numbers of the apical moments of last season are far away, but the current ones are far from negligible and there is always time for impulses, admitted and not granted that the team’s evolutions follow the same parables and that it does not take a certain dissatisfaction with the property.

Once again a goal in the final by the away team dampens the enthusiasm of the Bari public, but certainly does not diminish the extent of the excellent support offered by the Curva, full and colorful as on the best occasions.

Massimo D’Innocenzi

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2023-09-06 10:50:42
#BariCittadella #numbers #context #desire #dream


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