Barça’s Dominant Win with ‘Manita’ by the ‘Joaos’

17/09/2023 and las 00:37 CEST

“Manita’ by the ‘Joaos'” is the big headline on our cover today, Sunday, September 17, 2023. Barça achieved a comfortable victory on a night in which Joao Félix and Cancelo shone with a goal each. Ferran Torres, Lewandowski and Raphinha completed a victory with which the team takes the lead.

Besides, the champion starts on the right foot, Real and Kubo threaten the Bernabéusecond pole for Carlos Sainz and Barça falls to Madrid and says goodbye to the Super Cup.

2023-09-16 22:37:38
#cover #SPORT #today #Sunday #September


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