Barça Faces Tricky Game Against Palencia, Must Focus on the Present

28/09/2023 and las 21:37 CEST

Barça has a game that could perfectly turn into a trap. The enthusiasm with which Palencia moves, which debuts its arrival in the Endesa League for the first time in its history, can be a double-edged sword for both Marco Justo’s team and for a Barça that cannot face this trip (Friday at 7:00 p.m.) with excess confidence.

Those of Roger Grimau must take advantage of this opportunity that the calendar has given them before the classic to continue adjusting the automatisms that the Catalan coach wants against a rival who, despite being totally unknown to the players (the Uruguayan point guard Agustín Ubal plays for Palencia on loan from Barça), on paper it should not be a problem to overcome in every way.

Without thinking about Madrid

But Barça cannot travel to Zunder in Palencia thinking about Madrid (October 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the Wizink Center). They will have to concentrate on counteracting the atmosphere that will be found in a packed pavilion, making use of their best performance, especially by the new signings who, already against Joventut de Badalona, ​​took a clear step forward, assuming much more responsibility and correcting errors in defense and also in static attacks, deficiencies that were shown in the Super Cup abducted by the speed and attack game that Grimau demands of them.

Brizuela is doing well

Barça guard Darío Brizuela spoke about the avalanche of games that awaits them: “We have to do what we have to do. If not now, it will be later, and you don’t know the circumstances you will be in later. So we have to take it as it comes, to help us get our act together and unite as soon as possible. I think we can come out of this frenetic pace of matches well,” he analyzed.

Brizuela added that “they are not going to be easy games, it is evident, especially the second one,” in reference to Madrid. “We are in a construction process and we have to take it as more steps to follow to become the team we want to be.” Likewise, he stressed the need to “Think first about tomorrow’s game (for today)”.

2023-09-28 19:37:49
#Disappoint #Palencia #Barças #goal


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