Annual Race in Grupo Mareo: Registration, Route, and Prizes

1. Organizer

The Royal Group of Covadonga Culture

2. Date of celebration

Sunday September 10, 2023 in the Grupo Mareo.

3. Route and schedules

Tour A: 500m (1 lap)

tour B: 1500m (3 laps)

4. Categories

All those who wish may take part in this test, regardless of age or sex, as long as they are correctly registered both in time and in form.

5. Registration

Free registration at the switchboard or online until Saturday, September 9 Online | Members Area | activities and events | Popular Race Grupo Mareo

6. Runner’s Bag

All participants who complete the test will receive a bag with RGCC products and material

7. Prizes

A medal will be awarded to the first 3 classified in each category, both male and female, which will be delivered at the end of each test.

In the relay event, there will be a single absolute classification, regardless of category or gender, and a trophy will also be awarded to the top 3 finishers.

8. Insurance

All correctly registered participants will be covered by civil liability and accident insurance (guarantees to consult the Sports Secretariat) that will cover their participation in the race. However, all participants acknowledge to the Organization that they are in perfect physical condition, not suffering from any disease that poses a risk to their person or incapacitates them to participate in the test, taking responsibility and exempting the Organization from damages that could be caused by their participation in the race.

2023-09-01 13:26:51


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