ALDI Supports Paralympic Athletes with Nutrition Sponsorship

ALDI and CPE signed their first sponsorship agreement in 2020through the Paralympic Sports Support Plan (ADOP), to highlight and support the importance of nutrition in sports performance. Last year, The company and the Committee renewed this link until the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games and thus be able to give continuity to the nutritional advice for Paralympic athletes in Spain.

Thanks to this collaboration, the CPE already had the support of a sports nutritionist for the Tokyo Games 2021who advised and carried out personalized monitoring of the diet of the Paralympic athletes. In the next Olympicswith exactly one year left until its start, The Spanish Paralympic Team already has 40 qualifying places in seven different sports: athletics, basketball, cycling, swimming, canoeing, shooting and archery. Our athletes still have options to be represented in 11 other sports and reach 18 of the 22 that are part of the Paralympic program.

ALD’s ‘Devour your goals’ project

ALDI’s collaboration with the CPE is part of the ALDI project ‘Devour your goals’ to promote the importance of nutrition in sports performance and extend this knowledge to society, within its commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle among its clients. Since the initiative was signed in 2020, More than a hundred Spanish Paralympic athletes have benefited from this agreement.

The initiative has the participation of Belen Rodriguez, member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “With this action, We value and bring healthy eating habits closer to all citizens and, especially, our Paralympic athletes. We want to show that balanced nutrition is available to everyone,” says Belén Rodríguez. “It is very gratifying to see how companies like ALDI are committed to health, are committed to promoting healthy habits and supporting athletes in our country.”, adds the nutritionist.

ALDIa company committed to nutrition and healthy eating, offers a wide range of healthy, quality products at the best possible price. The supermarket chain promotes healthy consumption and nutrition habits through transparency and clear labelingwhich incorporates recognized sustainability certifications and seals.

ALDI’s collaboration with the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

ALDI signed an agreement with the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2020 to develop quality content on nutrition and food for Spanish society. Since then, the academic institution advises the supermarket chain as an expert source on nutrition, dietetics and food.

Last year, and as a result of this collaboration, was born ‘Nurturing’: a content dissemination portal that aims improve, facilitate and advise on the field of healthy food and nutrition for citizens. The platform also aims to be a reliable source of information and with full guarantee for media and journalists specialized in food, nutrition and health issues.

2023-09-18 05:41:37
#ALDI #strengthens #commitment #Spanish #Paralympic #Committee #Social #Action #CSR #Commitment


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