Alba Berlin to Face Red Star Belgrade in Opening Match of MagentaSport Cup 2023

Alba opens against Red Star

While the Berliners have not only lost Smith, Luke Sikma (Olampiakos) and Maodo Lo (Milan) and will present themselves in a completely new way – world champion Johannes Thiemann is also expected to be passively present – Red Star Belgrade has signed a whole armada of well-known professionals.

The impression is that Serbia is taking up the arms race with city rivals Partizan, the new top favorite Panathinaikos and other ambitious brands such as Real, Barcelona, ​​Fenerbahce, Monaco and Piraeus: Milos Teodosic was brought home from Bologna, Bjelica from Istanbul, and Giedraitis were also there , Hanga, Napier, Tobey and Bolomboy are other well-known names in XXL summer shopping; Ulm’s master guard Dos Santos was also signed.

Free entry for children under 14 years

MagentaSport reports live and completely from all games from BMW Park on both days. The hall will obviously be full, tickets are available in the FCBB ticket shop. Children under 14 enter free, but a valid ticket is required.

The “MagentaSport Cup 2023”

Sa., 16. September

5 p.m.: Alba Berlin – Red Star Belgrade 8 p.m.: FCBB – Virtus Bologna

So., 17. September

3 p.m: Game for third place 6 p.m.: Final

2023-09-15 10:30:00
#MagentaSport #Cup #teams #world #champions


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