Ajax in Crisis: Club Deserves Better Management and Players, Fans Voice Safety Concerns

Ajax in Crisis: Club Deserves Better Management and Players, Fans Voice Safety Concerns

I am an Ajax player and I will remain so. But in very bad times now. In every respect a top club unworthy of what is happening. They started the match well, but then an accumulation of messes, blunders and amateurish goals were given away. And there is little hope that things will improve significantly (soon). This club deserves a much better and, above all, sound management, a very good real technical director who brings in high-quality players. Mislintat plunges the club into the abyss. Get rid of that man. Data fetishist. Compliments for Feyenoord, which is deadly effective. A team that is attuned to each other and it shows.


Sep 24, 2023 at 3:26 pm

How is it possible that all those fireworks and torches enter the stadium… Then as the home club and stadium management you clearly don’t have your house in order. It doesn’t matter who carries it and throws it on the field; that rubbish does not belong in a stadium. Purely for the safety of visitors, players and staff. Because of these kind of idiots you no longer see me in a football stadium; the pure enjoyment and enjoyment of a game of football has been completely pushed into the background due to this kind of idiocy.


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