Workers’ Sports Institute to Rescue Workers’ Marathon and Host National Sports Games in Morelos

Armando Tellez Flores/Quadratin Mexico

MEXICO CITY, August 1, 2023.- The Workers’ Sports Institute (Indet) confirmed that in addition to inviting the peasant sector to sports competitions, it will rescue the workers’ marathon and affirmed that the 51st edition of the National Sports Games y Recreativos de los Trabajadores will be held in Morelos, with the IMSS Vacation Center of Oaxtepec and other nearby spaces as its main venue.

This was reported by the president of the Labor Congress, Reyes Soberanis, and the executive secretary of Indet, Pablo Reyes, and pointed out that the national stage of these games, to which teams from all over the country will arrive, will take place from November 5 to 9. of the present year.

To reach this stage, in each entity of the country, the selective will be carried out as of July 1, as will happen in the capital of the country and in accordance with the call, only workers who have at least one seniority may participate. six months.

During a Unity breakfast, offered by the national secretary to the Railway Union, Víctor Flores Morales, INDET presented a recognition to the president of the CT, Reyes Soberanis, for his support of the sport and he was given a metal copy of the award National Sports Award that was awarded to Indet.

Within the framework of the 50th Anniversary of the indet, a posthumous recognition was given to Mr. Ramiro Ruiz Madero, as well as to Alejandra Mondragón, general secretary of the National Federation of Women’s Affidamento. Oscar Santos Ayala Parra, on behalf of Professor Patricio Flores, General Secretary of the Industrial Union of Workers and Artists of TV and Radio

Maximiliano León, director of the Ciudad Deportiva Magdalena Mixhuca and Francisco Javier Orozco Flores, president of the Mexican Badminton Federation, were also recognized.

So that soon there will be competitions between workers and peasants, in sports matters and shortly the final of the National Games of Workers and the delegations will be integrated to travel to Italy and Cuba.

2023-08-02 10:19:02
#Indet #rescue #workers #marathon


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