Wild Boars and Humans Clash in Genoa: Calls for a Ban on Bow Hunting

New chapter in the now long story of not always easy coexistence between wild boars and humans on the heights of Genoa. The Ligurian city was one of the first in Italy to experience the descent of the ungulates which from the woods also began to roam the streets and among the houses demonstrating that they were not afraid of the presence of man and, in general, of life in a increasingly urbanized world.

And so, from the Camaldoli district, comes the video of a resident who has immortalized a family of wild boars intent on eating the saddle of a scooter parked on the side of the road. In the video you can clearly see the largest specimen, most likely the mother of the puppies in tow, while she bites the saddle several times, and then also devotes herself to the top box. A long and insistent action that suggests that there was food inside the saddle pad. Harder to imagine that the animal was really interested in eating foam rubber. All under the curious gaze of those present.

The Camaldoli episode takes place in a moment that is certainly not easy for Liguria which, from east to west, has to deal with continuous encounters between humans and wild boars and, as a direct consequence, sees many mayors on a war footing ready to ask for help to hunters to bring down the specimens involved in episodes considered dangerous. Even the Liguria Region wanted to raise the bar, unleashing a fuss of controversy with the approval of the amendment that allows wild boar hunting even with a bow and arrow, a rule that generated the immediate indignant reaction of animal rights associations and others. The accusation of having approved a “legalized barbarity” does not leave much room for the imagination and the signatures collected with the online petition have exceeded 100,000.

Just in these days, the association GAIA Animals and the Environment and the Genoese Animalists have once again intervened to urge a step back. “Having obtained the right clamor and decided opposition in public opinion, and also in a transversal way in the political world, with respect to the primitive decision taken by a large part of the Regional Council of Liguria – says Edgar Meyer, national president of GAIA – pushes us to formulate, at least with respect to the use of the bow, the only definitive initiative that could be valid for the whole national territory: a bill signed by parliamentarians from all the political groups which forbids hunting with the use of the bow. In the coming days we will send to the Parliamentary Intergroup for Animal Rights, which has already taken a position clearly opposed to the barbaric hunting tool, a basic text from which we expect the formulation of a shared bill to be presented when parliamentary work resumes ».

2023-08-21 16:21:08
#video #wild #boars #eating #saddle #scooter #Genoa


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