Volleyball match in Nebraska sets new spectator record for women’s sports game with 92,003 fans | volley-ball

The game between the Universities of Nebraska and Omaha was played at Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, Nebraska. That stadium is normally reserved for American Football, but was transformed into a volleyball temple for the occasion.

Volleyball is immensely popular in Nebraska, a state with a population of just under 2 million. The Nebraska University team has played more than 300 games in a row to sold-out crowds, and no other American team does better in terms of attendance.

Not coincidentally, Volleyball Day in Nebraska, an event to promote the sport, drew crowds to Memorial Stadium. It was clocked at 92,003 spectators. That is a record for a sports competition in women.

The previous record was not long in the books. In April 2022, 91,648 football fans turned up at Camp Nou for the women’s Champions League match between Barcelona and Wolfsburg. Barcelona has now lost that record.

For John Cook, the coach who led Nebraska to four NCAA titles in volleyball, it was an emotional moment. “I’ve cried about 5 times today. No one would have dreamed this when we had the idea to break that record. This is really amazing,” said Cook.

2023-08-31 05:58:11
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