Victoire Reynal’s Mercury 13 Fund Invests $100 Million in Women’s Football Acquisitions in Europe and Latin America

Victoire Reynal is OneFootball’s VP of women’s football – Playback / Instagram (@victoirecogevinareyna)l

Businesswoman Victoire Cogevina Reynal, founder of the Gloria Football platform and vice-president of women’s football at OneFootballwhich acquired his startup in September 2022, created a fund to invest US$ 100 million in the acquisition of women’s teams in Europe and Latin America.

Named Mercury 13, in allusion to the group of women who were barred from joining NASA’s astronaut program in 1961, the fund disclosed that it is already negotiating several agreements in Europe with the aim of creating a conglomerate of women’s clubs.

However, Mercury 13 faces some issues to achieve this goal, since most women’s teams are not independent entities and are linked to clubs that have men’s football as their main assets. That is, it is more difficult to buy only the women’s department of the modality.

Despite the difficulty, this movement has already been carried out by Michele King, owner of the Washington Spirityes NWSLwho bought the women’s team from Lyon in May of this year, which originated the first exclusive holding company for women’s soccer teams.

2023-08-22 20:43:57
#Victoire #Reynal #launches #fund #invest #million #womens #football


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