Thuram or Frattesi, who will be more decisive for Inter?

Desired, sought and obtained: this was Inter, and much more, for Davide Frattesi and Marcus Thuram, Simone Inzaghi’s two most important transfer market shots who have already shown in the first few weeks in the Nerazzurri shirt that they can make a difference.

Both players, in fact, bring with them technical skills and distinctive qualities that could prove crucial for the Nerazzurri team’s race for the Scudetto in the 2023/2024 season: but what are their technical and physical characteristics? Let’s go immediately to discover them in view of a football season that promises to be fierce and close and in which the Serie A winning odds already let us understand what is expected from the Beneamata, which starts with all the favors of the predictions.

Marcus Thuram, a versatile striker who combines physical strength and agility, can in all respects be identified as the “attacking powerhouse” Inzaghi needed most, with his imposing physique, his ability to protect the ball and to drive through opposing defenses. His predisposition in one-on-one, and the ability to create space for himself and for his teammates, make him a constant threat in the rival area. Furthermore, his versatility to play both as a center forward and as a winger makes him a valuable asset for various tactical schemes.

Davide Frattesi, what we could define as the “tactical brain” is a talented midfielder known for a 360-degree vision of the game, precision in passing and the ability to dictate the pace of the match. Furthermore, his impeccable ball control, as well as the ability to maintain possession in pressing situations, will be able to offer Inter greater stability in the heart of the pitch. Frattesi, who said he didn’t think about it for a moment when the opportunity to play for Inter arose, really wants to make a difference and will use all his skills to orchestrate the offensive action, breaking the opposition lines with passes incisive and intelligent.

The combination of Frattesi and Thuram increases the depth of the Inter squad to all effects, also introducing a new dynamic in the team’s tactical approach: if the former can act as a playmaker, providing support to the defense and initiating the offensive action, Thuram it can certainly be used as a point of reference for advances in the offensive department. The French forward’s ability to attract the attention of opposing defenders will open up space for fellow forwards and midfielders, creating opportunities to create chances for goals.

The combination of the skills of Inzaghi’s two new signings, combined with the presence of talents such as Lautaro Martinez, who scored a sensational brace in the first race of the season, Nicolò Barella and Henrikh Mkhitaryan, will be fundamental in pursuing both championship and in international competitions.

In conclusion, the new signings of Inter, Davide Frattesi and Marcus Thuram, bring with them complementary technical skills that can strengthen the team’s game and fill the gaps that cost the club the defeat in the Champions League final last year: qualities that will bring new dimensions to Inter’s midfield-attack department, helping to determine the club’s success next season. The hope is that this synergistic combination can bring Inter significant results and triumphs on the pitch.

2023-08-23 13:04:00
#Thuram #Frattesi #decisive #Inter


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