Thun Trial Sports Day: Exploring Tradition and Trends in Taster Sports

22 August 2023

Tradition and trends on the taster sport day

On August 26th, the Thun Trial Sports Day will take place in the Lachen area and in the lido. Children can try out 25 different sports. Sports stars give autographs.
American football, archery, judo, sailing, dancing or would you prefer Thai boxing? The range of sports is large and colorful on the Thun Trial Sports Day on August 26th.
Children between the ages of six and thirteen can get to know and try out around 25 different sports for free. The city of Thun is organizing the event together with the sports clubs for the sixth time. The aim is to get children interested in sports in the sense of promoting sports and at the same time to give the clubs a platform to present themselves and win new members.
Last time over 800 children took advantage of the offer. The places where the action takes place are the lido and the sports facilities in Lachen.


2023-08-22 09:07:09
#Tradition #trends #taster #sport #day #Radio #BeO


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