The thumbtacks on the Vuelta road are unpresentable

The online day of the Vuelta in Barcelona ends in a joke

I feel sorry for Andreas Kron, the first leader of the Volta two years ago, but what we have seen in the online stage of the Vuelta in Barcelona, ​​in Montjuïc, has not been what was promised, nor what was expected.

I know that the peloton is sensitive, that the start has been a disaster on many points, that safety is important, but the balance of all this lies in an unwritten pact between riders, organization, teams and, very importantly, fans.

And that pact, I think it has been anything but balanced.

I repeat, the safety of the runners is key for all this to survive, but the problem is the same as always, at least in recent times, Every time a meteorological phenomenon breaks into a race we have a mess created and uncertainty created.

Today in Barcelona we have experienced the second episode of a nightmare that has once again put an organizer against the ropes as we are seeing so many times.

I know that it is not easy, that the race starts and does so with all the consequences, but the change of mind, the decisions that come and go, the movements that are intuited in the peloton and the same as always, the Jumbo especially, asking for calm when they, before anyone else, are interested.

All their lives there have been bosses in the squadbeacons that everyone follows when a decision has to be agreed upon, but there are times when things are not so unanimous and what the Jumbo have done again is a shame.

Seeing a double Tour winner and his teammates stop the race in the heat of Primoz Roglic’s fall, when the conditions are the same as they are a thousand times during the season, is not acceptable.

Es pure and hard and violent selfishness that unwritten pact that he commented at the beginning and that Javier Guillén himself commented on TVE, about the need to seek that balance of interests.

Andreas Kron has won a stage with an asterisk, I’m sorry, but that’s how it is, with an important part of the peloton off the hook, with all the favorites in it, without wanting to contest it.

Bravo for him, like DSM yesterday, for being there and competing with what was available at all times, but…

We live in a time in which cycling falters in every unforeseen event, like I have never seen in this sport.

That is a reality, and it has nothing to do with the fact that the organization was caught by the bull with yesterday’s schedule and the darkness, it was yesterday and so many other times.

The average fan schedules and awaits the great days with the illusion of a child on the morning of Three Kings and from time to time, the refrain of the weather returns, the rain, the wind and I don’t know what to limit the show to what the stars and those who weigh want.

In the past, many favorites fell by the wayside in the early stages of the Vuelta, the Tour, the Giro,… of any self-respecting race, today, since cycling is more of a show than anything else, you don’t want to lose a favorite until the final week due to circumstances “unrelated” to the race.

Sad but true, they have stolen the cycling that I knew.

After Barcelona, ​​tomorrow the Vuelta in Andorra and everything in the air…

Image: Cxcling

2023-08-28 22:03:17
#thumbtacks #Vuelta #road #unpresentable


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