The Spain and Slovenia Basketball Teams Face Off in the Centennial Tournament

The basketball teams spain y Slovenia open today from 21:30 peninsular hours on Centennial Tournamentwhich commemorates the hundred years of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB).

The match takes place at the Martín Carpena Pavilion in Malaga and can be seen live and open by La 1 and RTVE Play.

The first quarter has been fairly even and with lots of scoring (26-27), with both teams offering a show to those present in Malaga. Slovenia quickly took the lead thanks to four triples in the first four attempts, but little by little the team’s advantage has been reduced.

The worst news has been the injury of Usman Garubawho sprained his ankle in a jump and had to leave the court with a limp.

The Spanish team has been able to turn the score around and now goes up at halftime (51-41)thanks to a great defense and the lack of precision of the Slovenians, who are no longer so successful in the outside shot.

In this type of encounter the technician will look for arguments to offer the definitive list of 12 players that will go to the World-wide one. The first rival, Slovenia, will also do their tests. The transalpine already knows that he will not be able to count on Ricky Rubiowho has ceased his activity to take care of his mental health.

The Balkans arrive led by a star Luka Doncic, although they lost their first warm-up match against Greece. In that meeting they suffered a significant casualty, that of the escort of the Denver Nuggets, Vlatko Cancar.

The Slovenians will face tomorrow USAwhich will be against which Spain closes this triangular tournament on Sunday.

2023-08-11 20:17:36
#Spain #Slovenia #live


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