the results of French athletics “will not be fixed with a wave of a magic wand”, worries Christine Arron

To celebrate 25 years of her European record in the 100m in Budapest and 20 years of her world title in the women’s 4x100m relay in Paris in 2003, former sprinter Christine Arron joined the tricolor delegation in Budapest on Thursday.

A former glory to cheer up the tricolor delegation. 25 years ago, the sprinter Christine Arron became, in Budapest, European champion in the 100m and new record holder for the queen discipline (10”73), on the Old Continent. Five years later, she was part of the women’s 4x100m relay that won gold at the 2003 Paris World Championships.

On the occasion of this double anniversary, the now Sports Assistant to the Mayor of the city of Champigny-sur-Marne made the trip to Hungary. For franceinfo: sport, she looks back on this golden generation of French athletics and on the setbacks of the current one which is struggling to exist at the highest level in the world.

franceinfo: sports: What are your memories of these European championships in 1998 in Budapest and the world championships in Paris in 2003, which we are celebrating the twentieth anniversary of this year?

In Budapest, there was a good atmosphere. I even remember some small reports that France 2 had shot, it was funny. I also remember that I had received my peaks at the last moment to run (laughs). It’s little memories like that that I remember. And then, after the Athens Worlds in 1997 [où elle termine au pied du podium sur le 100m], Budapest was a championship that I was particularly waiting for because I knew that I was in good shape and I was waiting “to confirm”, but above all to do much better than what I had done the year before. I was super motivated to be there and to be able to race.

And Paris 2003?

In Paris, it was my first world championship since Seville in 1999 and after the Sydney Olympics. I had been injured, then I left for the United States. Then I had my son, there was a fairly long phase, about two years, without competition. So I was hungry. I was in a hurry since I came back from my maternity ward.

“I was ready for Paris, and being in front of an audience doesn’t happen often. I wanted to do well, and not disappoint.”

Christine Arron, European 100m record holder

at franceinfo: sport

There was this extra pressure, but at the same time, I thought it was good to finally be able to enjoy, to feel the energy of the public. At the time, we do not really realize the performance we are doing. It is always the way people look at you that shows the importance of what you have achieved. I had this disappointment in the 100m [elle termine 6e mais sera finalement 5e après le déclassement d’une adversaire pour dopage]but I was still happy to have regained my level after my pregnancy.

Especially since at the time, it was rather rare for athletes to take maternity breaks in their careers before returning…

Yes, I was among the very first sportswomen to have a child during her career. We didn’t really know how to do things. Especially since I had gained thirty kilos and I had to come back very quickly (laughs). I managed to come back after six months. Since then, it has paved the way for other athletes, the statutes have evolved, like the protections of athletes when they are pregnant. For me, it was a pride. Even if I would have liked to be on the podium of course in the 100m, the relay was a great revenge.

Christine Arron (left) after her victory in the 100 meters final at the European Athletics Championships in Budapest in 1998. (ATTILA KISBENEDEK / AFP)

Twenty-five years later, you are still the European record holder for the 100 meters in 10”73. Is it pride?

Yes, completely. Sometimes, I am no longer presented as European champion, but as European record holder. As if it were a title that remains engraved. Hope it lasts a long time (laughs). At the time, I never wondered whether he could last long or not, even though I knew that it was still a very high level performance, since at the time I achieved this record, he it was the third best performance in the world. Not European, global, so it was still a big brand.

Let’s talk about the current France team. This year, no French was entered in the 100m and 200m, and for men, only Mouhamadou Fall was invited to the 100m. How do you explain the difficulties of the French sprint, individually and in the relay?

There is a generation gap, but it’s not just that. I think we were just lucky, at one point, to have different successful athletes in the France team. Several of us were good, in the sprint but in other disciplines too. There may have been a detection problem, but above all, we start the sport too late in France. We are not a sports nation.

“You have to start earlier. The problem is that we help you once you have succeeded, but before succeeding, there is a whole journey which is often, I am thinking in particular of mine, strewn with pitfalls.”

Christine Arron, 4x100m relay world champion

at franceinfo: sport

There are not sufficient means put in place to give young people the chance to go into a particular sport. And so, perhaps in athletics, we would have had a few more young recruits and behind, to have more chances of winning medals. Although the federation helps and tries to find solutions, the observation is there.

What would need to change to reverse the trend?

We must already start training earlier, and have more athletic schools in particular. It is also necessary that the clubs be helped, and that the coaches be better trained.

France has still not unlocked its medal counter in Budapest. Does this worry you for Paris 2024?

I’ve been worried for a long time. This is work that was not done a very long time ago anyway. We are lucky that there are a few young people who point the tip of their noses. But things are not going to get better with the wave of a magic wand. In one year, nothing will change entirely, that’s for sure. But it should also be noted that we have never had a lot of medals at the world championships. Paris 2003 was exceptional.

Does it sadden you to see French athletics in this situation?

Yes, it’s a bit sad. I was already sad last year when I saw for the first time that there were no relays at the world championships, and not even men’s or women’s sprinters. I wouldn’t say it’s the base, but it’s the queen discipline all the same. In relay, we still have a French school that works quite well.

“We have always at least made the finals, if not medals. So yes, it’s sad that there is no one to support.”

Christine Arron, former sprinter

at franceinfo: sport

We had sprinters who approached 11 seconds, but they did it in the French championship, and not in the world championship. I can’t figure out how this wasn’t converted.

Does this make you want to get involved with the Federation?

In 2021, when my contract ended, I offered my services. I think my experience could have been useful to young athletes. I was interested either in the relay or in the high level. But there were a lot of changes at that time, especially from DTN (National Technical Director), and things dragged on. And it didn’t happen. Now it’s too late.

What is your relationship to athletics today?

Not much (laughs). I watch when I think about it. Athletics is still my sport, but I’ve always preferred to practice rather than watch. (laughs), to be an actress. It’s true that I miss a little not running, not competing, not being in this training atmosphere, because that’s what brought me to athletics. , to find girlfriends, for the pleasure of being together and forging ties.


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