The ongoing NBA debate: James Harden and Damian Lillard’s trade demands and the need for limits

They have not yet been traded, but James Harden and Damian Lillard continue to focus much of the information in the NBA. The fact that the two have requested the transfer almost in unison and that they have also done so with certain demands regarding their destinations has raised such a stir that the NBA itself has issued a warning message to the Blazers star and your agent. It is an open debate, the one that seeks a balance between the rights of the franchises and the players themselves.

James Harden recently spoke about exactly this topic, that of seeking the best solution for everyone in these cases. The truth is that he did not say much. The still Philadelphia 76ers player explained that he understood both parties and that it was about finding a compromise. Little more he contributed.

While La Barba is equidistant – it is logical being one of those involved – the one who has been less ‘afraid’ when it comes to speaking has been Austin Rivers. He guard The Minnesota Timberwolves is clear that the NBA is a business with rules and that everyone knows them when they arrive, so wanting to break them for a personal desire is not just right.

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«If you are a free agent, you can choose where you are going to go, that is the business. But when you’re not and you sign a contract, that’s also part of the business. If they transfer you somewhere, you have to go play and period », he sentenced during an intervention on his podcast.

Regardless of how these two transfer requests end up being resolved, the reality is that it seems necessary to put a certain limit on transfer requests and their subsequent development.

(Photo by Steph Chambers/Getty Images)

2023-08-01 06:00:00
#Austin #Rivers #slaps #Harden #Lillard #wrist


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