The Need to Address Speeding Cyclists and Ensure Safety in the Plains of Abraham

The public and citizen space of the Plains of Abraham is a community place frequented by people of all ages who practice various activities there.

People go there to stroll, jog, walk, talk with family; there are couples of seniors or middle-aged people who circulate and admire the landscape while talking, young people on scooters, families who walk with toddlers, frisbee players and people who ride bicycles.

In short, Mr. and Mrs. Everyone who goes there to relax and enjoy the fresh air. Lately, groups of performance cyclists are taking the Plains of Abraham trails by storm and traveling at insane, frantic and dangerous speeds! Since when is this track dedicated to racing?

During a bike ride, I stopped one of these people to report their speeding; she replied that I was not traveling in the right direction! Evidence of misunderstanding on his part. Direction matters on a race track; on a place of stroll and holiday, no direction is imposed for the walk and the stroll! This is the essence of wandering.

There are lessons to be given here! She also looked at my bike with great condescension, but that’s another story and ignorance on her part.

I therefore wish to denounce this nonsense and draw your attention to the public danger of this now tolerated and invasive practice! I personally experience it as a violation of citizen well-being. For what? A public space like the Plains of Abraham belongs to all citizens and any community space must be inclusive and equitable.

As such, the Plains of Abraham must be understood as a shared space that allows everyone to practice their activities while respecting the well-being of others and without this compromising safety, but also the possibility of enjoying unique space. Thus, a flower picker, a jogger or a picnicker should not be inconvenienced or endangered by the speed of traffic of a cyclist who is breaking at full speed.

Imagine also a toddler who momentarily moves away from mum or dad to pick a blade of grass, who doesn’t see the bike coming and who gets caught up. On the plains, a speed limit of 30 km/h is imposed on motorized vehicles. It’s not for nothing!

For years, rugby players, soccer players or in-line skaters have been circulating on the plains without causing any danger! Is it not simply possible to prohibit this practice and invite them to use circuits provided for this purpose, in the same way that we are not going to do archery on the plains? How is it that today we tolerate this? I ask you the question! And please don’t tell me you’re studying how to rate speed.

Besides speed bumps, there are several methods available. It is more a political choice that is at work!

2023-08-30 17:16:20
#Cycling #Plains #Abraham


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