The mayor of the Valencian municipality of Fuenterrobles suffers a homophobic attack with punches and insults

Valencia 08/01/2023 at 12:27 CEST

They denounced before the Civil Guard an attack with blows to him and his partner as well as insults: “Mariconazos, shitty faggots”

The mayor of the Valencian municipality of Fuenterrobles, Adrian Alvarez, has reported to the Civil Guard a homophobic attack that he suffered yesterday while walking with his partner. As he explained, they were physically attacked by a woman shouting “faggots” and “fucking faggots”in addition to calling him “alcaldesa“because of his LGTBIQ+ condition.

Álvarez was punched in the jaw while his partner was hit on the temple, which caused his glasses to break. Apparently, the attack occurred when they both arrived at the business they run and, upon seeing them, according to what they say, “caused the woman to he would be angry.”

They both tried to defend themselves. “getting her off us”, so the woman fell to the ground and began to scream, attracting the attention of several passers-by. “She started saying that we had hit her, but luckily there were witnesses to her.”

After what happened, they went to a health center where they were issued the injury report with which they denounced the Civil Guardhe the facts. “We hope that justice is done and that the full weight of the law falls on these types of people who believe they have the right to attack others without any qualms”

The Civil Guard will now investigate the motive for the attack and the attacking woman to determine what motivated this attack.


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