The FFF saw Thierry Henry to take charge of the France Espoirs team

Ousted on July 31 by the FFF from his position as Espoirs coach, Sylvain Ripoll still has no successor. Marc Keller and the DTN Hubert Fournier work daily to find the right technician, able to accompany the Bleuets to the 2024 Olympics in France, a huge objective.

They thus auditioned three potential future coaches last week: Jocelyn Gourvennec, Sabri Lamouchi and Julien Stephan. But none of the three successful candidates has to date had a return from the FFF. And for good reason, the Fed had a fourth man to see, in the person of Thierry Henry, whose name was mentioned in our columns two weeks ago.

He has the preference of the Ministry of Sports among the 4 finalists

The former Blues striker (45) had a videoconference interview this week. His candidacy is supported by the Ministry of Sports, which would welcome a big “name” accompanying the French team at the Paris Olympics.

But it will be necessary to remove several obstacles: economically, Henry is untouchable for the FFF, and he will therefore have to make great financial efforts if the position interests him (which would be the case, according to people close to the file). He will also have to free himself from all his media obligations, which are not compatible with the function. According to our information, the FFF has decided to make its choice within the next eight days.


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