The federation prohibits trans women from competing

The International Chess Federation has sparked a huge controversy ban transgender women from participating in women’s chess competitions. A rule that will enter into force next Monday, August 21.

With this ban, chess joins other sports disciplines with vetoes for trans women. Disciplines like athletics, cycling or swimming

The controversy is served since, until now, all the arguments that had been used to justify this prohibition were solely and exclusively in relation to the physical conditions… Something that in chess does not make sense.

‘Cuatro al día’ has interviewed live Daniela Requena, defender of Transsexual Rights, that has been shown surprised and harshly criticized this decision: “When I read it I thought it was a joke because I find absolutely no advantage in trans women being able to participate in these competitions. It seems to me a transphobic act ”.

The collaborators of ‘CAD’ debated on this prohibition and also showed themselves upset.


2023-08-18 17:09:26
#federation #prohibits #trans #women #competing


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