The Debate Over Night Sessions at Masters Tournaments: Novak Djokovic’s Perspective

At the Masters tournaments before the US Open, they were the big topic: the night sessions. Novak Djokovic can only understand the criticism of his colleagues to a limited extent.


last edited: 08/19/2023, 12:58 p.m

Shortly before the US Open, there is hardly a topic discussed more hotly than the question of the night sessions. Even the organizers from New York spoke up and announced that they were considering starting the night session earlier. But due to the traffic and work schedules of people in New York, I decided against changing it

Novak Djokovic is undoubtedly one of the main victims of the night sessions. Hardly any player has to be on the pitch more often in the evening and play his matches at prime time. But not everyone likes the late beginnings for a broader audience. Especially in Cincinnati, some ladies and gentlemen have complained about being on the court so late and, as a result, not getting to bed until well after midnight.

The Djoker has no problem with the night sessions

Novak Djokovic sees it more pragmatically: “The tournaments usually try to make more profit by selling tickets for the day session and the night session. When the day session ends, the major stadiums are emptied to let spectators in for the night session. That takes time. Whether that’s good for the players may not be ideal, but at the same time you have to find a balance to keep the fans happy,” said the Serb on the sidelines of the Masters in Cincinnati.

For him, the entertainment for the fans in the evening is the decisive factor: “The night sessions are usually the most entertaining – especially at the US Open. They are probably the most famous night sessions in our sport. That just fascinates people.”

And the Serb will definitely enjoy one or the other night session in his life.

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Djokovic Novak
2023-08-19 15:30:00
#Djokovic #advocates #night #sessions


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