The Concern Grows: Christoph Daum and Lothar Matthäus Express Worries over Franz Beckenbauer’s Health

The concern is great…

After Lothar Matthäus Christoph Daum (69) is now also speaking about the state of health of football legend Franz Beckenbauer (77).

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Christoph Daum with emotional words about Franz Beckenbauer

Thumb on RTL: “Franz always had an open ear for someone who had problems. Personally, I could always call Franz if anything was wrong. And that was definitely what he said, more than this: Let’s see!”

Lothar Matthäus spoke about Franz Beckenbauer’s condition last week.

Daum is very worried about our 1974 world champion.

Because: Beckenbauer has been plagued by health problems for some time. In 2022 he revealed in an interview with the magazine “Bunte”: “I had a so-called eye attack in one eye. Unfortunately I can’t see anything on the right. I can handle that. And I have to be careful with my heart.”

Christoph Daum has been on the touchline in 611 games for nine clubs and the Romanian national team

Photo: Bernd Thissen/dpa

Daum is in constant contact with Beckenbauer’s wife Heidi and exchanges ideas with her. Daum: “Then she gives me feedback on how Franz is doing.” His goal: to visit Beckenbauer in Salzburg soon.

The former Bundesliga coach clearly continues: “I want to give Franz this support, this encouragement, which is actually very good for me to say to him: Your clock hasn’t run out yet. We still need you.”

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Daum knows the fight against health problems. In 2011 he made it public that he had survived skin cancer. In 2022 he announced that he had lung cancer. He has now completed his second chemotherapy. Daum in June: “You must not let yourself down. Of course chemo sucks, but keep your head up and see how beautiful life is.”

Only a few people know that. Very spicy situation because of Reus!

Source: PICTURE 08/27/2023

Lothar Matthäus also recently commented, saying at an event last week: “We wish him all the best of health, that he will be his old self again, with his energy. Franz always said that health is the most important thing in life. He doesn’t have that at the moment.”

And: “He’s not doing so well in terms of health. That’s why he wasn’t there at the World Cup meeting four or five weeks ago. Of course we hope that things will go in the other direction.”

2023-08-28 12:57:49
#Bayern #Franz #Beckenbauer #Emotional #words #Christoph #Daum #Sports


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