The Briochin Football Team Bounces Back with New Coach Roland Vieira

With a smile on your face and your head held high. There is no need to go much longer to describe the Briochins at the end of training this summer 2023. In their faces, life is beautiful, the world is beautiful. And especially the descent in National 2, already forgotten. “The players came out of it all and focused on work, football and our preparation. We disregarded the situations that there may be with the management of the DNCG and this descent “says the new Briochin coach, Roland Vieira, also all smiles.

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Only for a few weeks… “I was afraid to come here with a little disappointment. But the atmosphere and the welcome I was given erased everything”, he admits. And time too. The one to settle into the group and learn about its strengths and weaknesses. A precious resource that his predecessor, Karim Mokeddem, could not touch.

“Each takes a step towards the other”

In two different situations, their way of managing is just as different. The Lyon coach was known for his rigour, his outspokenness and his categorical decisions towards certain players. The emergency didn’t give him too many choices. For his part, without comparing himself to the former Briochin coach, the new one, Roland Vieira, details his approach: “We are really in synergy with the players on the desire to work certainly, but also to put in a good mood. It is important to remember that we only play football, and that we must have fun, be happy to come to the sessions in the morning, get together for other activities… ”

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And to add new faces to this group in reconstruction. The players present, the 43-year-old coach had already analyzed them well when he was still coach at Puy-en-Velay, last season (National). Individual work in parallel with that carried out by Guillaume Allanou, the Briochin president, who said “not needing a coach to move forward with recruitment and staffing. »

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But two months later, this charge became collective. Roland Vieira tries to add his touch: “Anyway, you need the agreement of both when you make a choice. It’s the ego on one side or the other that can be a problem in football, but this is not the case. Each takes a step towards the other. There is a simplicity that emerges in our discussions and our choices. »

Just to see what will be theirs for the two offensive players still considered.

2023-08-10 16:01:25
#Briochin #stadium #Roland #Vieira #coach #Griffons #wide #smiles


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