Tamaulipas Athlete Seeks Support for Pan American Games Dream

The athlete from Tamaulipas trusts in the good heart of the Mexican population, who on past occasions have already supported her by buying the pastries that her mother makes to pay for the expenses of the competitions.

Victoria City, Tamaulipas. – Cyntia Carolina Vázquez Ortíz, multi-medalist from Tamaulipas, has more medals won than birthdays lived.

Since he was 4 years old, he has been practicing Judo, an Olympic sport that at his young age has left him with great satisfaction and challenges.

In an interview with El Mercurio, he tells that at the age of 4 he watched his two older brothers train judo, he liked this sport so much to the point of leaving other sports disciplines for it.

“In fact, my mother always talks about how good she bought me a tutu, hoop and everything to go to gymnastics and no, I didn’t like it, I think I fell in love with judo and there, to this day I continue to practice it,” she says.

At the age of 9 in 2017, he won his first national tournament, from then on he holds a record rarely seen, 92% of the fights have been won with the highest score. She accumulates the national championship of 2023, 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017 and has the number 1 ranking in the Cadet 40 kilograms category of the women’s 2023, she is the Pan American runner-up of the 2022 games and CONADE 2023 National Champion.

“His eyes” are currently on the 2023 Pan American Games to be held from September 5 to 14 in Calgary, Canada. She needs to cover the costs of travel, lodging, food and even uniforms, for this she invites people to be part of her dream and to support her with what they can to cover the costs.

“If you would like to be part of this dream and would like to support, I would really appreciate it. From a peso to what they like, everything adds up”.

Cyntia and her mother must raise the funds to fulfill her dream. She makes available to the public the account number 4152 3140 4432 1811 of the BBVA bank in the name of Cyntia Carolina Vázquez Ortíz.

The athlete from Tamaulipas trusts in the good heart of the Mexican population who have supported her on past occasions by buying the pastries that her mother makes to pay for the expenses of the competitions and that today she hopes they will support her to attend the Pan American Games.

“Right now my goal is to win gold in the Pan American Games and the dream of any athlete, I believe, is to attend the Olympic Games,” stressed the multi-medalist.

2023-08-17 03:10:15
#Victorense #represent #Mexico #Pan #American #Games


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