Swelling in the legs after sports

???? It can happen after an intense workout or a race to feel some tension in the legs and observe them visibly swollen. In a word: retention.

❓ THE CAUSE? It is due to the extracellular recall of water from the muscles that have worked more intensely and to an increased vascularisation of these tissues. This is a normal response to fatigue that lasts a few hours.

❗️ WHAT TO DO? To facilitate recovery you can:

???? DEFATICATE, run or cycle easily but with a low intensity;

???? COLD-HOT SHOWER on the lower limbs: a cycle made by a few seconds of cold jet followed by as many heat;

???? REHYDRATED with water but above all sodium, chlorine, potassium and magnesium: it will promote the correct balance between the intra and extracellular environment;

???? FOAM ROLLER AND AUTOMASSAGE from the periphery of the body towards the centre;

???? MAQUI AND CACAO POLYPHENOLS that taken as a habit in a concentrated and purified form (called RX) have a highly positive impact on the elasticity of blood vessels.

Photo: Marta Baffi

training leg swelling polyphenols retention

2023-06-19 13:17:00
#Swelling #legs #sports


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