Spain U20 Set to Compete for Bronze in European Championship After Semifinal Loss to France

Spain U20. The U20 women’s team led by Rubén Burgos will fight for bronze in the European Championship after losing in the semifinals against France for 47 a 75. Spain paid for its mistake in the first half and the damage to France’s offensive rebound during the match and will play tomorrow from 5:00 p.m. for the bronze medal against the loser of the other semifinal that will be played by Latvia and Serbia.

These have been the results of the selection to date during the tournament:

Spain 80 – 38 Montenegro
Spain 75 – 49 Sweden
Spain 98 – 52 Poland
Spain 77 – 62 Belgium
Spain 60 – 52 Israel
Spain 47 – 75 France

When is the match for bronze played?

Spain will play on Sunday from 5:00 p.m. the match for the Eurobasket bronze medal against Latvia or Serbia, the loser of the other semifinal. The match can be seen live on FIBA’s YouTube channel.

This is the list of Spain:

Nhug Bosch (Wichita)
Claudia Soriano (Baxi Ferrol)
Elena Buenavida (Valencia BC)
Claudia Contell (Jairis Global Hozone)
Inés Santibañez (Vantage Towers Alcobendas)
Elena Rodriguez (Harvard)
Gisela Sanchez (Kansas)
Txell Alarcón (Kutxabank Araski)
Carla Brito (South Florida)
Marta Morales (Wake Forest)
lba Garfella (Celta Zorka Recalvi)
Noa Djiu Morro(Valencia BC).

Photo: FIBA ​​Spain U20

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2023-08-05 20:08:00
#Spain #falls #France #semifinals #fight #bronze #European #U20


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