Sille Plage Nature: A Thriving Hub for Water-Based Activities and Outdoor Adventures

Par Erwan Gendry
Published on 13 August 23 at 18:00 See my news Follow Les Alpes Mancelles Sailing can be practiced from the age of 9. ©Circle de Voile de Sillé Nature beach

Despite a summer season marked by unfavorable weather conditions, the Cercle de Voile de Sillé Plage nature is working at full speed.

“It’s simple, I’m almost full until September,” says Jérôme Heuzard, the site director.

From sports teams to leisure centres, via tourist groups, the Sillean association is on all fronts to offer a number of activities on or off the water.

With its nature and boating center, Jérôme Heuzard and his team offer the opportunity to spend an ideal stay. Paddle, sailing, canoeing, climbing, mountain biking, orienteering, horse riding, archery and sports raids, there is something for everyone. The association even offers cultural activities, such as botanical nature outings.

A reference site in Sarthe

This wide range of initiatives obviously attracts school groups and leisure centres.

They represent 90% of our activity.

Jerome Heuzard

Coming from the Pays de la Loire region, but also from Normandy and the Centre, these groups of young people come to the Sarthois site because of its good reputation.

“In terms of open-air sites and boating, we are the reference center in Sarthe, rejoices the site manager. The Circle of Sailing Sillé Plage nature is even approved by the National Education. »

Videos: currently on Actu The Sillean site offers a host of activities such as rock climbing. ©Circle de Voile de Sillé Nature beach

The figures attest to these distinctions: more than 700 groups per season, around fifty stays organized, between 15 and 17,000 meals served…

2022 was a good year, 2023 is set to be a very good one.

Jerome Heuzard

Infrastructure under renovation

Thanks to its setting, the Cercle de Voile Sillé Plage nature tends to welcome semi-professional and amateur sports teams.

During August and early September, three clubs will parade on the shores of Lake Sillé: the basketball players from Alençon (NF1, 3rd national level), the hopeful Jeep Elite from Portel and the handball players from the La Bazoge – Sillé agreement (Pre -national).

It is gratifying to welcome teams of this level for cohesion days. This means that we have a good reputation outside our borders, and that we demonstrate professionalism through our structure.

Jerome Heuzard

Always with a desire to offer customers optimal service, the “ageing” premises are getting a makeover.

“If we can overcome the gap above, we must develop in all compartments, including our infrastructure, shows lucid Jérôme Heuzard. We have 88 beds divided into collective rooms of four. This is not always ideal, there are thoughts around remodeling housing. »

At the moment, an energy renovation of accommodation and equipment is being carried out.

An attractive club

If the sail structure is on stand-by during the summer, it will resume service in September.

“Every Saturday morning, there are leisure and sports training, supervised by qualified coaches. We are open to everyone from the age of 9. The only imperative is to obtain an annual FFVoile license up to 140 euros. This price includes the loan of all the equipment and qualified supervision,” explains the director of the association.

With more than 40 licensees last season, Jérôme Heuzard hopes to exceed this figure at the start of the school year. For that, he and his team can count on the acquisition of the “Ecole Française de Voile” label and an unparalleled friendliness: “Sailing is the school of life, where we highlight the autonomy and collaboration. »

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2023-08-13 16:00:02
#Sarthe #Sailing #Circle #Sillé #Plage #nature #continues #develop


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