Sheinbaum and Adán Augusto are the favorite bottle caps, according to a survey – El Sol de México

Claudia Sheinbaum remains the favorite of supporters of the Morena-PT-Partido Verde alliance, while Adán Augusto López Hernández consolidates in second place, less than three points behind the former head of government, according to a GANA study ( Data Analysis and Public Opinion Surveys).

GANA asked the supporters of Morena, PT and Verde who would you like to be the candidate for President of the Republic for the coalition? Sheinbaum obtained 34.1 percent of the preferences, while Adán Augusto López Hernández reached 31.6 percent. , which places the former Secretary of the Interior 2.5 points behind the lead.

In third place is Marcelo Ebrard with 21.2 percent, more than 10 points behind second place. Of the rest of the bottle caps, none exceeded nine points of preference: Gerardo Fernández Noroña from PT obtained 8.4 percent preferences; Ricardo Monreal reached 3.5 percent, and the former governor of Chiapas del Verde, Manuel Velasco, stayed with 0.8 percent.

For the survey, GANA interviewed 1,200 people in the 32 states of the Republic between August 11 and 14. “The study was carried out through face-to-face interviews in private homes. Data was collected through a survey application with a capture form, using a previously structured questionnaire as data collection tools, ”explains the pollster about her methodology.

The interviews lasted an average of four minutes and the selection of the sample of respondents took into account the population density, age and gender of the people, but all over 18 years of age who expressed their intention to vote in the 2024 elections. .

GANA also measured preferences in the general population, with similar results. With the same question, Sheinbaum had 30.4 percent preferences, while Adán Augusto López 26.7 percent, that is, there is a difference of 3.7 points between the two.

Of the rest of the bottle caps, Marcelo Ebrard reached 23.4 percent preference among citizens in general, Fernández Noroña had 7.2 percent, Monreal Ávila 4.6 percent, and Velasco 2.5 percent.

Methodology. Study design: A representative sample of voters living in the Mexican Republic who expressed their intention to vote in the elections of June 2, 2024 was carried out. Observation unit: Population over 18 years of age who at the time of the interview declared residing in the Mexican Republic and at an address that coincided with the state to be sampled at the time of the interview. Sampling framework: List of electoral sections in the Mexican Republic. (March 17, 2023). Voter nominal list reported by the INE (March 17, 2023). INEGI population statistics with information by sex and age. Sample design: Probabilistic stratified, by conglomerates and multistage, taking into account quotas of population density, age and gender. Confidence level: The theoretical error of estimation of the total sample is +/-3.72% globally at a confidence limit of 99%. Based on the aforementioned criteria, the sample was distributed as follows: Sample size: 1200 questionnaires. Random samples in the 32 states of the Republic. Data collection method. Questionnaire: the average duration of the interview is 4 minutes. The survey was carried out from August 11 to 14, 2023. The study was carried out through face-to-face interviews in private homes. Data was collected through a survey application with a capture form, using as data collection tools, a previously structured questionnaire.

2023-08-16 02:29:09
#Sheinbaum #Adán #Augusto #favorite #bottle #caps #survey #Sol #México


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