Sevilla FC Condemns President of RFEF and Calls for His Resignation

Sevilla FC, in view of the events carried out by the president of the RFEF, Luis Rubialesin the celebration of the final of the Women’s World Cup, and his response this Friday at the RFEF Assembly, wants to expose:

-That he condemns and rejects the attitudes of the president of the RFEF, Luis Rubiales, in the final of the Women’s World Cup with the player of the national team Jennifer Hermoso, as well as his explanations and reactions in the RFEF Assembly.

-That Sevilla FC supports the measures that Jennifer Hermoso deems appropriate to take as a result of these events.

-That he rejects and condemns the obscene gestures made by President Luis Rubiales in the box after the happy achievement of the world title by the women’s team.

-That Sevilla FC does not feel represented by the top leader of our Spanish football and that in fact it is active in the fight against these aforementioned attitudes in the world of football. Positions of this representativeness must promote respect and equality, values ​​that Sevilla has in its founding bases.

-That, due to the above, the president of the RFEF, Luis Rubiales, should resign from his position as the highest representative of Spanish football.

-That encourages reflection so that these types of acts that disfigure the image of our football, which should aspire and fight for equality, are not repeated, and so that the measures considered necessary within the RFEF are taken , an organization that should be an example of respect, unity and equality not only in football and sport, but in all of society.

-That Sevilla FC has already been opposed to the management and attitudes of Luis Rubiales in the past, and that in fact its president, José Castro, resigned from the RFEF board of directors in 2022.

-That Sevilla FC does not want this event to tarnish in the slightest the success represented by the achievement of the women’s world championship by the Spanish team, which they once again congratulate.

2023-08-25 14:15:34
#Official #statement #Sevilla #F.C


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