Sergio Massa turned around and aligned himself with Milei against public education: “The joke is over that we do a strike for anything”

The third place of Union for the Fatherland in PASO 2023 it was a hard blow for the ruling party that went out to campaign in search of recovering the votes they lost. Your candidate, Sergio Massais even criticized within the space because he had political ups and downs with Cristina Kirchner and challenged them in 2015, something that could now be repeated after some comments he made about the education public.

The Minister of Economy maintained that “we must make a more efficient State”, the same phrase used by the candidate Javier Miley, and questioned: «When the father says ‘I have public school but I have 18 strikes per year, you complicated my life, skinny; I have nowhere to leave my kid’, here there has to be a commitment in which we say ‘boys, the joke is over that for anything we claimfor whatever reason we strike,’ “he said.

In this way, Sergio Massa marked the field for Roberto Baradel, head of the teachers’ union, with whom he had a good relationship and even had practically no strikes despite the fact that inflation of 114% year-on-year made teachers lose purchasing power and that the economic and social conditions are not the best.

“He Inefficient state for the people is worse than no state. I’m going to put it in terms of people’s daily lives. When the ordinary citizen sees the patrolman sleeping in the service station instead of seeing him in his neighborhood, it is worse than not having a patrolman,” added the head of the Palacio de Hacienda, in another topic that Javier Milei received several compliments: safety.

Along the same lines, he added: “When the ordinary citizen goes to the health center and there are no Band-Aids, there are no gauze pads and there are no aspirins, it is worse than not having a health center,” the candidate exemplified in dialogue with Crónica TV , where he also threw a dart for the liberal official: «What they have to know is that it will cost 3 million pesos per year to each student«.


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