Sergio Llull Returns to the National Team: Chasing his Eighth Medal with Spain

Sergio Llull, 35, captain of Real Madrid, returns to the National Team after missing the gold medal in Berlin last September due to a last-minute injury. This summer, at the imminent World Cup in Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines (August 25-September 10), he will chase his eighth medal with Spain in his eleventh championship since his debut in August 2009. He will once again play with his friends Ricky Rubio and Víctor Claver, and he does not set limits for the future. He talks about the National Team, Aldama, Ricky, Lorenzo Brown, Willy’s signing for Barcelona (“a shame for us”) and Navarro’s work in the offices. Also from Madrid, the “magnificent” news of the incorporation of Campazzo and the future of Tavares, “the best player in Europe”.


Sergio Llull poses for AS after a training session for the National Team in Madrid. JESUS ​​ALVAREZ ORIHUELADIARIO AS

He returns to the National Team after missing the Eurobasket due to injury. In the last six summers he has only been able to participate in two championships, does that increase his motivation?

I always come with great motivation. Last year I really wanted to play the European Championship, but an untimely injury a few days after the start prevented me. Defending this jersey is a privilege and I will try to do my best to go to the World Cup.

He was left out of the Eurobasket, but he was in the preparation with Lorenzo Brown. Will his absence be very noticeable? In return, Ricky Rubio returns, how does he see it?

Very good. Ricky is looking forward to it after a difficult year due to injury and perhaps with little prominence in the NBA. He shows a great desire to play and to help, to enjoy basketball. That doesn’t mean we won’t miss Lorenzo, because he is very talented and reads the game very well. Last year he gave us a lot in a great Eurobasket in which he finished in the ideal five. We will miss him, but health comes first and he was in no condition to come.

“We will miss Lorenzo Brown, but Ricky is getting ready to give his best version”

Can Ricky Rubio reach a level of play close to that of 2019?

You can expect anything from Ricky because he is always working: in the gym, in training, even with Raúl López, with whom he spends a good time before team sessions. He is preparing to give the best version of him.

Llull, Ricky and Claver, the three friends meet again. They have never done it in a club, but they have been together in the National Team since 2009.

I am excited to be with them again, in addition to being great players they are great friends. Both Víctor and Ricky are one of those people that you want to be around because they always bring something positive to the group, whether on or off the track.


Sergio Llull defends Ricky Rubio in a training match. EFE/FEB

Scariolo recounted the other day that, looking at some images from 2014, he told them that “when you think you are more than the rest, you believe it too much and you fall”. They arrive at the World Cup as European and world champions, but it seems that this team has internalized that if they don’t go to the limit…

The level of talent of that Selection cannot be compared with almost any other. If you have the Gasol brothers, Navarro, Rudy, Felipe at the highest level of his career… The team was incredible, but for one reason or another we didn’t achieve our goal. Now we are aware that the road will be very hard, that we must prepare very well to face the competition in conditions and little by little, game by game, to get as far as possible.

That Spain is not at the top of the pools, does it seem objectively reasonable to you or does it feel like a contempt for the reigning champion?

I haven’t stopped to think about it, honestly. We try to abstract from all that noise from outside, although what is proud is that Spain is number one in the FIBA ​​ranking. Until now, no one had managed to surpass the United States. That number one after having won the World Cup and the European Championship and the good work at Las Ventanas speaks highly of the group. Then, beyond, in the forecasts it is normal for great teams like the USA, Canada, Serbia or Australia to be ahead of us.

“The future? I set no limits”

If I ask you about your role, with Scariolo you have always played more as a shooting guard than as a point guard, but does Lorenzo’s loss change anything?

I see myself helping, I don’t care about the base or the escort, we’ll see as the preparation progresses. Obviously, if I play with Ricky, I’ll do it more as a shooting guard and if Ricky rests, I can also play point guard or shooting guard with Alberto Díaz… We’ve still been training for a few days.

The Selection maintains the group and incorporates new faces at the same time. One of them is Santi Aldama, who has been in the NBA for two years but has not been seen so much in Spain. In fact, it is the first time that he has met him. What impression has been taken?

He is a good boy and has all five senses focused on learning and helping with everything. He still has to adapt, but we are going to make it easy for him.

Do you see him with the potential to be a future benchmark for the National Team?

Yes, why not. That will be decided by him with his level of work and sacrifice to grow as a player, he is still very young (22 years old). He will depend on the path because he has the qualities to be a benchmark in the future and have a great career.


Sergio Scariolo and Sergio Llull in a training session for the National Team in Madrid. EFE/FEB

You’ve always had a good relationship with Willy, have you been joking now that you’ve signed for Barça?

The typical jokes, but without going further. Each one owns his destiny and chooses what he does, valuing the opportunities and offers that he has. Willy is a great player and for us it is a shame that he has gone to the top rival. Barça with Navarro is doing things well in terms of transfers and has recruited young players and others at a great moment in their careers, national people who help create a hard core.

Rudy has said that he wants to reach Paris in 2024 and then retire from the National Team. Does Sergio Llull set deadlines?

I set no limits. As long as my body gives me I’m going to continue playing basketball because I like it and it’s what I know how to do. Obviously, I would like to be in Paris, but to get to the Games you first have to qualify, which is not easy, even though we have made it seem like it all these years. We will try to have a good World Cup, finish as high as possible and look askance at qualifying for Paris (it will be achieved by the two best Europeans outside of France).

What does it mean for you to have a good World Cup?

Compete to the max. Then the championship will put us in our place. We cannot set goals, but rather go little by little and take advantage of the preparation matches to pick up the competitive rhythm and improve. You have to get to the World Cup, burn stages, try to get into the crossroads and from there dream.

“Willy is a great player and for us it is a pity that he has gone to our greatest rival”

Let’s go to Madrid. Campazzo, for the moment, is the only signing. Have you been able to talk to him?

Yes, yes and he is very happy because he considers Madrid his home. For me he is a great signing, a great player who is going to give us a lot of play and energy. Great news for us.

And do you see Tavares in white beyond 2024?

I am of the opinion that Tavares should retire at Real Madrid whenever he wants. I am neither a sports director nor am I Edy, that is his business, but he is a differential pivot in Europe, there is no one else like him. For me he is the best midfielder, even the best player in Europe right now and for us he is a basic piece. Hopefully he renews 10 or 15 years, whatever he wants, and he stays a lifetime in Madrid to mark an era.

2023-08-02 06:05:53
#Llull #Tavares #retire #Madrid


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